Qi Zhou

and 6 more

Machine learning can improve the accuracy of identifying mass movements in seismic signals and extend early warning times. However, we lack a profound understanding of the effective seismic features and the limitations of different machine learning models, especially for debris-flow warning. Here, we investigate the importance of seismic features for the binary debris flow classification tasks using two ensemble models: Random Forest (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) models. We find that an established approach to training machine learning models for debris flow classification task based on more than seventy seismic signal features may be affected by redundant input information. These seismic features are derived from physical and statistical knowledge of impact sources and are grouped into waveform, spectrum, spectrogram, and network sets. Our results show that only six selected seismic features can perform similarly for the binary debris flow classification task compared to published benchmark results trained with seventy features. Considering models that aim to capture patterns in sequential data rather than focusing on information only in one given window as ensemble models, using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm does not improve the performance of binary debris flow classification tasks over RF and XGB. As a debris flow alarm task, the LSTM model predicts debris flow initiation more consistently and generates fewer false warnings. Our proposed framework simplifies seismic signal-driven early warning for debris flows and provides an appropriate workflow for identifying other mass movements.

Vincent Bachelet

and 6 more

The seismic waves emitted during granular flows are generated by different sources: high frequencies by inter-particle collisions and low frequencies by global motion and large scale deformation. To unravel these different mechanisms, an experimental study has been performed on the seismic waves emitted by dry, dense, quasi-steady granular flows. The emitted seismic waves were recorded using shock accelerometers and the flow dynamics were captured with a fast camera. The mechanical characteristics of the particle collisions were analyzed, along with the intervals between collisions and the correlations in particles’ motion. The high-frequency seismic waves (1-50 kHz) were found to originate from particle collisions and waves trapped in the flowing layer. The low-frequency waves (20-60 Hz) were generated by particles’ oscillations along their trajectories, i.e. from cycles of dilation/compression during coherent shear. The profiles of granular temperature (i.e. the mean squared value of particle velocity fluctuations) and average velocity were measured and related to each other, then used in a simple steady granular flow model, in which the seismic signal consists of the variously attenuated contributions of shear-induced Hertzian collisions throughout the flow, to predict the rate at which seismic energy was emitted. Agreement with the measured seismic power was reasonable, and scaling laws relating the seismic power, the shear strain rate and the inertial number were derived. In particular, the emitted seismic power was observed to be approximately proportional to the root mean square velocity fluctuation to the power $3.1 \pm 0.9$, with the latter related to the mean flow velocity.

Julian Kuehnert

and 11 more

Seismic waves generated by rockfalls contain valuable information on the properties of these events. However, as rockfalls mainly occur in mountainous regions, the generated seismic waves can be affected by strong surface topography variations. We present a methodology for investigating the influence of topography using a Spectral-Element-based simulation of 3D wave propagation in various geological media. This methodology is applied here to Dolomieu crater on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island, but it can be used for other sites, taking into account local topography and medium properties. The complexity of wave fields generated by single-point forces is analyzed for different velocity models and topographies. Ground-motion amplification is studied relative to flat reference models, showing that Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) and total kinetic energy can be amplified by factors of up to 10 and 20, respectively. Simulations with Dolomieu-like crater shapes suggest that curvature variations are more influential than depth variations. Topographic effects on seismic signals from rockfalls at Dolomieu crater are revealed by inter-station spectral ratios. Results suggest that propagation along the topography rather than source direction dominates the spectral ratios and that resulting radiation patterns can be neglected. The seismic signature of single rockfall impacts is studied. Using Hertz contact theory, impact force and duration are estimated and then used to scale simulations, achieving order-of-magnitude agreement with observed signal amplitudes and frequency thresholds. Our study shows that combining Hertz theory with high-frequency seismic wave simulations on real topography improves the quantitative analysis of rockfall seismic signals.