Canonical understanding based on general circulation models (GCMs) is that the atmospheric circulation response to midlatitude sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies is weak compared to the larger influence of tropical SST anomalies. However, the horizontal resolution of modern GCMs, ranging from roughly 300 km to 25 km, is too coarse to fully resolve mesoscale atmospheric processes such as weather fronts. Here, we investigate the large-scale atmospheric circulation response to idealized Gulf Stream SST anomalies in Community Atmosphere Model (CAM6) simulations with 14-km regional grid refinement over the North Atlantic, and compare it to the response in simulations with 28-km regional refinement and uniform 111-km resolution. The highest resolution simulations show a large positive response of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) to positive SST anomalies in the Gulf Stream, a 0.8-standard-deviation anomaly in the seasonal-mean NAO for 2°C SST anomalies. The lower-resolution simulations show a weaker response with a different spatial structure. The enhanced large-scale circulation response results from an increase in resolved vertical motions with resolution and an associated increase in the influence of SST anomalies on transient-eddy heat and momentum fluxes in the free troposphere. In response to positive SST anomalies, these processes lead to a stronger North Atlantic jet that varies less in latitude, as is characteristic of positive NAO anomalies. Our results suggest that the atmosphere responds differently to midlatitude SST anomalies in higher-resolution models and that regional refinement in key regions offers a potential pathway to improve multi-year regional climate predictions based on midlatitude SSTs.

Ruth Geen

and 3 more

Earth’s tropical and subtropical rainbands, such as Intertropical Convergence Zones (ITCZs) and monsoons, are complex systems, governed by both large-scale constraints on the atmospheric general circulation and regional interactions with continents and orography, and coupled to the ocean. Monsoons have historically been considered as regional large-scale sea breeze circulations, driven by land-sea contrast. More recently, a perspective has emerged of a Global Monsoon, a global-scale solstitial mode that dominates the annual variation of tropical and subtropical precipitation. This results from the seasonal variation of the global tropical atmospheric overturning and migration of the associated convergence zone. Regional subsystems are embedded in this global monsoon, localized by surface boundary conditions. Parallel with this, much theoretical progress has been made on the fundamental dynamics of the seasonal Hadley cells and convergence zones via the use of hierarchical modeling approaches, including aquaplanets. Here we review the theoretical progress made, and explore the extent to which these advances can help synthesize theory with observations to better understand differing characteristics of regional monsoons and their responses to certain forcings. After summarizing the dynamical and energetic balances that distinguish an ITCZ from a monsoon, we show that this theoretical framework provides strong support for the migrating convergence zone picture and allows constraints on the circulation to be identified via the momentum and energy budgets. Limitations of current theories are discussed, including the need for a better understanding of the influence of zonal asymmetries and transients on the large-scale tropical circulation.

Marysa Lague

and 4 more

Join us in an exploration of the climate of Northland, a world where the entire northern hemisphere is covered by a continent, and the entire southern hemisphere is covered by an ocean! On the continent, we will visit the seasonally moist tropics, the subtropical desert, and the Great Northern Swamp. We explore the interplay between water, energy, land, ocean, and atmosphere in this idealized climate model study. We find that the presence of a continent greatly increases the poleward extend of the ITCZ over both the land and ocean hemispheres compared to an aquaplanet, as a result of hemispheric energy imbalances introduced by (a) the small heat capacity of land and (b) large reductions in atmospheric water vapor (and thus reduced longwave trapping) over the continent. A combination of moisture transport from the tropics and local water recycling results in a polar swamp over the continent. We explore how the climate state responds to changes in the albedo and evaporative resistance of the continent. While making the land surface darker leads to warming, we find that decreasing evaporation from the land surface leads to global-scale cooling. This is in contrast to past studies, where reduced terrestrial evaporation leads to warming as a result of suppressed evaporative cooling of the land surface. In the case of Northland, the lack of an ocean to provide water to the northern hemisphere means that decreasing land evaporation leads to large reductions in water vapor over the northern hemisphere, in turn reducing strength of the greenhouse effect, resulting in cooling of near-surface air temperatures. This cooling signal is strongest over the continent, but cools air temperatures over the ocean hemisphere as well. We hypothesize that a threshold exists in the temperature response to reduced terrestrial evaporation: for small decreases in evaporation, reduced latent cooling dominates and near-surface temperatures warm, while for large decreases in evaporation, reduced longwave trapping from reduced atmospheric water vapor dominate, cooling near-surface temperatures. Through this idealized study of a hypothetical, Earth-like planet, we gain valuable insight into the connections between water, energy, land surface properties, and continental distribution in controlling global-scale climate.