Large impact of coarse-resolution atmospheric transport model error on
land-ocean and tropic-extratropic partitioning and seasonal cycle in CO2
We show that forward simulations of global CO2 using an atmospheric
transport model (ATM) at 0.5°×0.625° and 4°×5° resolutions differ
significantly in vertical and meridional distribution. Comparing two
observing simulation system experiments at 4°×5° resolution that
assimilate pseudo observations sampled from the two forward simulations,
we isolated the impact of coarse-resolution ATM error on regional flux
estimates that a significant amount of annual carbon uptake from the
ocean and tropics is improperly redistributed to the land and
extratropics, respectively. In addition, this error leads to an
underestimated seasonal amplitude in the northern extratropical land and
a reversed seasonal phase in the northern extratropical ocean. The
reversed seasonal phase has also been shown in a real data assimilation
experiment and state-of-the-art inversions, suggesting that ocean glint
retrieval error may not be as significant as previously thought and
reasonable ocean flux estimates depend strongly on the accuracy of ATM.