Inverting for dynamic stress evolution on earthquake faults directly
from seismic recordings
Dynamic stress evolution during earthquake rupture contains information
of fault frictional behavior that governs dynamic rupture propagation.
Most of earthquake stress drop and evolution studies are based on
kinematic slip inversions. Several dynamic inversion methods in the
literature require dynamic rupture modeling that makes them cumbersome
with limited applicability. In this study, we develop a fault-stress
model of earthquake sources in the framework of the representation
theorem. We then propose a dynamic stress inversion method based on the
fault-stress model to directly invert for dynamic stress evolution
process on the fault plane by fitting seismic data. In this inversion
method, we calculate numerical Green’s function once only, using an
explicit finite element method EQdyna with a unit change of shear
or normal stress on each subfault patch. A linear least-squares
procedure is used to invert for stress evolution history on the fault.
To stabilize the inversion process, we apply several constraints
including zero normal slip (no separation or penetration of the fault),
non-negative shear slip, and moment constraint. The method performs well
and reliably on a synthetic model, a checkerboard model and the 2016
Mw 5.0 Cushing (Oklahoma) earthquake. The proposed
fault-stress model of earthquake sources with inversion techniques such
as one presented in this study provides a new paradigm for earthquake
source studies using seismic data, with a potential of deciphering more
physics from seismic recordings of earthquakes.