Yajian Gao

and 7 more

We use the full waveform inversion method to study the crustal-mantle seismic structure beneath Central Asia. By combining earthquake waveforms and ambient noise cross-correlations, we construct a 3D model of Vp and Vs down to a depth of 220 km. This model reveals a complex Indian-Asian plate configuration and interaction, resulting from the plate subduction, indentation, and break-off. Beneath the Hindu Kush, the marginal Indian slab with its lower crust is successfully imaged, the latter of which hosts vigorous intermediate-depth seismicity. The subducted marginal Indian slab can be traced further east to the Kohistan Arc, which is a previously undetected structure. We first imaged a flat cratonic Indian plate beneath the Pamir. The indentation of the cratonic Indian plate forces the Asian plate to delaminate, indicated by the south-eastwards dipping high-velocity anomalies, atop which a south-dipping low-velocity zone is observed with higher resolution than previous studies, which we interpret as the delaminated Asian lower crust. In addition, a sharp velocity transition at lithospheric depth is newly discovered and coincides with the Talas-Ferghana fault, delineating the boundary of the Ferghana basin with the Central Tian Shan. Low-velocity anomalies mainly focus beneath the south and northern part of the Central Tian Shan with deep Moho, indicating the lithosphere is possibly delaminated and the deformation of the Central Tian Shan is probably concentrated at the north and south margins by the Tarim basin and Kazakh Shield, respectively. In contrast, West Tian Shan displays a simpler lithospheric structure with a single deep Moho.

Sergio León-Ríos

and 15 more

David Schlaphorst

and 21 more

The crust and upper mantle structure of the Greater and Lesser Antilles Arc provides insights into key subduction zone processes in a unique region of slow convergence of old slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere. We use ambient noise tomography gathered from island broadband seismic stations and the temporary ocean bottom seismometer network installed as part of the VoiLA experiment to map crustal and upper mantle shear-wave velocity of the eastern Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles Arc. We find sediment thickness, based on the depth to the 2.0 km/s contour in the Grenada and Tobago basins up to 15 km in the south, with thinner sediments near the arc and to the north. We observe thicker crust, based on the depth to the 4.0 km/s velocity contour, beneath the arc platforms with the greatest crustal thickness of around 30 km, likely related to crustal addition from arc volcanism through time. There are distinct low velocity zones (4.2-4.4 km/s) in the mantle wedge (30-50 km depth), beneath the Mona Passage, Guadeloupe-Martinique, and the Grenadines. The Mona passage mantle anomaly may be related to ongoing extension there, while the Guadeloupe-Martinique and Grenadine anomalies are likely related to fluid flux, upwelling, and/or partial melt related to nearby slab features. The location of the Guadeloupe-Martinique anomaly is slightly to the south of the obliquely subducted fracture zones. This feature could be explained by either three-dimensional mantle flow, a gap in the slab, variable slab hydration, and/or melt dynamics including ponding and interactions with the upper plate.

Mariah Hoskins

and 14 more

The north Ecuador subduction zone exhibits segmentation and clustering of seismicity through megathrust, interseismic, and aftershock seismicity. In 1906, a Mw 8.8 megathrust event ruptured a 500 km segment, portions of which were re-ruptured in ’42 (Mw 7.8), ’58 (Mw 7.7), ’79 (Mw 8.2) and 2016 (Mw 7.8 Pedernales event). Segmentation between the ruptures is caused in part by subducting topography and upper plate structure. Upper plate structure in north Ecuador includes major faults, sedimentary basins and accreted terranes. An international aftershock deployment and the Ecuador permanent network (RENSIG) recorded aftershocks of the 2016 Pedernales event. We performed finite difference tomography in a joint inversion for 3D velocity and earthquake location, using body wave arrivals of aftershocks. The Manabi, Manta-Jama and Borbon sedimentary basins are observed as high Vp/Vs features with the Manabi basin seen as a low Vp and Vs feature. High Vp and Vs are associated with accreted forearc terranes. Relocation of aftershocks in the 3D velocity results in previously described “bands” of seismicity collapsing to smaller clusters ranging from ~8-40 km across. South of the rupture area, a cluster near Manabi collapsed landward, and a cluster appeared west of the trench. Three clusters between the trench and directly south of the rupture contain lower plate and plate interface events. The cluster within the rupture area between the patches of greater slip became more focused, and a cluster became defined on the north side of the northern patch of slip. Two clusters outline subducting Atacames seamounts, with events in the lower plate and interface beneath and in front of the seamounts. North of the rupture, the clusters offshore and onshore near Galera contain mostly interface with some upper plate events. The onshore cluster focused around major faults in a transition from north/south to northeast/southwest structures along the coastal range. Events in the cluster near Atacames relocated mainly in the upper plate, and events in the cluster near Esmeraldas remained in the upper plate. Interseismic events cluster in the same locations as aftershock events. Existing features including upper plate structure and subducting features control and focus both postseismic and interseismic deformation across megathrust cycles.