Yassir A. Eddebbar

and 5 more

In the tropical Pacific, weak ventilation and intense microbial respiration at depth give rise to a low dissolved oxygen (O2) environment that is thought to be ventilated primarily by the equatorial current system (ECS). The role of mesoscale eddies and diapycnal mixing as potential pathways of O2 supply in this region, however, remains poorly known due to sparse observations and coarse model resolution. Using an eddy resolving simulation of ocean circulation and biogeochemistry, we assess the contribution of these processes to the O2 budget balance and find that turbulent mixing of O2 and its modulation by mesoscale eddies contribute substantially to the replenishment of O2 in the upper equatorial Pacific thermocline, complementing the advective supply of O2 by the ECS and meridional circulation at depth. These transport processes are strongly sensitive to seasonal forcing by the wind, with elevated mixing of O2 into the upper thermocline during summer and fall when the vertical shear of the lateral flow and eddy kinetic energy are intensified. The tight link between eddy activity and the downward mixing of O2 arises from the modulation of equatorial turbulence by Tropical Instability Waves via their eddy impacts on the vertical shear. This interaction of ocean processes across scales sustains a local pathway of O2 delivery into the equatorial Pacific interior and highlights the need for adequate observations and model representation of turbulent mixing and mesoscale processes for understanding and predicting the fate of the tropical Pacific O2 content in a warmer and more stratified ocean.

Rui Sun

and 7 more

We investigate the impact of ocean data assimilation using the Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter (EAKF) from the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) on the oceanic and atmospheric states of the Red Sea. Our study extends the ocean data assimilation experiment performed by Sanikommu et al. (2020) by utilizing the SKRIPS model coupling the MITgcm ocean model and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) atmosphere model. Using a 50-member ensemble, we assimilate satellite-derived sea surface temperature and height and in-situ temperature and salinity profiles every three days for one year, starting January 01 2011. Atmospheric data are not assimilated in the experiments. To improve the ensemble realism, perturbations are added to the WRF model using several physics options and the stochastic kinetic energy backscatter (SKEB) scheme. Compared with the control experiments using uncoupled MITgcm with ECMWF ensemble forcing, the EAKF ensemble mean oceanic states from the coupled model are better or insignificantly worse (root-mean-square-errors are 30% to -2% smaller), especially when the atmospheric model uncertainties are accounted for with stochastic perturbations. We hypothesize that the ensemble spreads of the air–sea fluxes are better represented in the downscaled WRF ensembles when uncertainties are well accounted for, leading to improved representation of the ensemble oceanic states in EAKF. Although the feedback from ocean to atmosphere is included in this two-way regional coupled configuration, we find no significant effect of ocean data assimilation on the latent heat flux and 10-m wind speed, suggesting the improved skill is from downscaling the ensemble atmospheric forcings.

J.M. Neena

and 2 more

The subseasonal modes of integrated water vapor transport (IVT) over the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) domain were examined and their association with different modes of ISM precipitation was analyzed during boreal summer seasons from 1979-2018. The IVT over the monsoon domain was found to exhibit significant variability in the intraseasonal (20-60 days), quasi-biweekly (10-20 days), and synoptic (3-10 days) time scales. The intraseasonal IVT mode is dominant between 0-20°N and reflects the fluctuations of the low-level jet stream. The quasi-biweekly and synoptic-scale IVT variability dominates over the Bay of Bengal and the Indo-Gangetic plain. The intraseasonal IVT mode is the most dominant and it is found to influence the higher frequency subseasonal IVT modes. Meanwhile, large-scale factors such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) were found to modulate the intraseasonal IVT mode and negatively impact the monsoon. Lead-lag correlation analysis between the subseasonal precipitation and IVT modes suggests that the IVT anomalies are driven by the subseasonal convective anomalies and associated changes in atmospheric circulation. Since moisture supply from adjoining oceanic regions is fundamental for monsoon precipitation, there is a general tendency to attribute the variability/trends in precipitation to changes in moisture transport. Our analysis of the subseasonal modes of IVT indicates that such inferences may be misrepresentative, as the monsoon diabatic heating in itself is a strong driver of monsoon circulation and moisture transport.