Yutong Lu

and 4 more

Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are active in East China during the summer, causing significant precipitation and extreme weather. Increasing MCS frequency and intensity with climate change highlights the need for better simulation and forecasting. Traditional global and regional models with coarse resolution unable to explicitly resolve convection fail to represent MCSs and their precipitation accurately. This study conducted a 22-year (2000–2021) JJA simulation at a convection-permitting resolution (4 km grid spacing) using the WRF model (WRF-CPM) over East China. The WRF-CPM model’s ability to reproduce MCSs was evaluated against satellite infrared-retrieved cloud top temperature, IMERG V06 precipitation, and global reanalysis data ERA5. Results show that WRF-CPM captures the observed MCS frequency and precipitation patterns but overestimates them in most areas. The model also accurately simulates the eastward propagation of MCSs, albeit at a slightly faster speed and longer duration. MCSs in WRF-CPM exhibit realistic life cycles in terms of cloud top temperature, convective core area, and precipitation. WRF-CPM tends to overestimate rainfall frequency over 20 mm/h while underestimates rainfall per MCS, possibly due to an overestimated number and area. The model captures the diurnal cycle of MCSs well in most of East China, though it shows a 2-hour delay in southeast China and fails to reproduce the midnight peak to the east of Tibetan Plateau, probably because of model’s limited ability to represent thermal diurnal variation over complex topography. WRF-CPM captures the shear effect on MCS precipitation, indicating increased precipitation with stronger shear and higher total column water vapor.

Gufeng Bian

and 3 more

Mengnan Ma

and 4 more

In this study, two Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) experiments with gray-zone (GZ9) and convection-permitting (CP3) resolution are conducted for summer from 2009 to 2019. The surface air temperature (T2m) and precipitation are evaluated against in-situ observations and the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) dataset. The results show that both experiments successfully capture the spatial pattern and daily variation of T2m and precipitation, though cold bias for temperature and dry bias for precipitation exist especially over the regions south of 35°N. Compared to GZ9, CP3 reduces the cold and dry bias over the southern TP. In addition, analysis of the diurnal variation of precipitation shows that both experiments simulate the advanced occurrence time of maximum precipitation over the eastern TP but postpone that over the central and western TP. Both experiments simulate a bimodal structure of the diurnal cycle of precipitation amount (PA). Further investigation reveals that GZ9 has more low-level clouds and prevents shortwave radiation from reaching the surface during daytime, leading to lower maximum surface air temperature (Tmax) in GZ9, while CP3 has more low-level clouds over the southeastern TP and preventing the outgoing longwave radiation and compensating the heat loss during nighttime, resulting in higher minimum surface air temperature (Tmin) in CP3. Besides, more water vapor over the southeastern TP results in more precipitation and thus reduced dry bias in CP3 over the southeastern TP.