September 03, 2021
Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm-Resolving Models. Part II: Cirrus Life Cycle and Top-...
Samantha M Turbeville, Jacqueline M Nugent, Thomas P Ackerman, et al.
September 29, 2021
Load-balancing intense physics calculations to embed regionalized high-resolution clo...
Liran Peng, Michael S. Pritchard, Walter M. Hannah, et al.
December 03, 2021
High free-tropospheric Aitken-mode aerosol concentrations buffer cloud droplet concen...
Matthew Wyant, Christopher Bretherton, Robert Wood, et al.
August 25, 2021
What controls the mesoscale variations in water isotopic composition within tropical...
Camille Risi, Caroline Muller, Françoise Vimeux, et al.
November 06, 2020
Rain evaporation, snow melt and entrainment at the heart of water vapor isotopic vari...
Camille Risi, Caroline J. Muller, Peter N. Blossey, et al.
June 18, 2020
How well do large-eddy simulations and global climate models represent observed bound...
Rachel Atlas, Christopher S. Bretherton, Peter N. Blossey, et al.
April 13, 2022
What are the causes of tropical cirrus longwave biases in global storm-resolving simu...
Rachel Atlas, Christopher S. Bretherton, Adam Sokol, et al.
January 04, 2022
Global System for Atmospheric Modeling: Model Description and Preliminary Results
Marat Khairoutdinov, Peter N. Blossey, Christopher S. Bretherton, et al.
September 04, 2021
Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm-Resolving Models. Part I: Role of Deep Convection
Jacqueline M Nugent, Samantha M Turbeville, Christopher S. Bretherton, et al.
August 05, 2020
The impact of resolving sub-kilometer processes on aerosol-cloud interactions in glob...
Christopher Ryutaro Terai, Michael S. Pritchard, Peter N. Blossey, et al.
November 14, 2020
What controls the isotopic composition of tropical tropospheric water vapor? Results...
Camille Risi, Caroline Muller, Peter Blossey, et al.