Load-balancing intense physics calculations to embed regionalized
high-resolution cloud resolving models in the E3SM and CESM climate
We design a new strategy to load-balance high-intensity sub-grid
atmospheric physics calculations restricted to a small fraction of a
global climate simulation’s domain. We show why the current parallel
load balancing infrastructure of CESM and E3SM cannot efficiently handle
this scenario at large core counts. As an example, we study an unusual
configuration of the E3SM Multiscale Modeling Framework (MMF) that
embeds a binary mixture of two separate cloud-resolving model grid
structures that is attractive for low cloud feedback studies. Less than
a third of the planet uses high-resolution (MMF-HR; sub-km horizontal
grid spacing) relative to standard low-resolution (MMF-LR) cloud
superparameterization elsewhere. To enable MMF runs with Multi-Domain
CRMs, our load balancing theory predicts the most efficient
computational scale as a function of the high-intensity work’s relative
overhead and its fractional coverage. The scheme successfully maximizes
model throughput and minimizes model cost relative to precursor
infrastructure, effectively by devoting the vast majority of the
processor pool to operate on the few high-intensity (and rate-limiting)
HR grid columns. Two examples prove the concept, showing that minor
artifacts can be introduced near the HR/LR CRM grid transition boundary
on idealized aquaplanets, but are minimal in operationally relevant
real-geography settings. As intended, within the high (low) resolution
area, our Multi-Domain CRM simulations exhibit cloud fraction and
shortwave reflection convergent to standard baseline tests that use
globally homogenous MMF-LR and MMF-HR. We suggest this approach can open
up a range of creative multi-resolution climate experiments without
requiring unduly large allocations of computational resources.