January 16, 2024
'Tipping points' confuse and can distract from urgent climate action
Robert E. Kopp, Elisabeth A. Gilmore, Rachael L. Shwom, et al.
September 26, 2024
UN sea-level report misinterprets already-stark IPCC assessment
Robert E. Kopp, Sybren S Drijfhout, Tamsin L Edwards, et al.
August 25, 2021
Popular extreme sea level metrics can better communicate impacts
D.J. Rasmussen, Michael Oppenheimer, Robert Kopp, et al.
August 03, 2020
The politics of natural hazard preparedness and infrastructure: lessons for coastal c...
D.J. Rasmussen, Michael Oppenheimer, Robert E Kopp, et al.
June 18, 2022
Communicating projection uncertainty and ambiguity in sea-level assessment
Robert Kopp, Michael Oppenheimer, Jessica L O'Reilly, et al.
October 06, 2021
Correlation between sea-level rise and aspects of future tropical cyclone activity in...
Joseph Lockwood, Michael Oppenheimer, Ning Lin, et al.
March 14, 2022
Ice sheet and climate processes driving the uncertainty in projections of future sea...
Jonathan L. Bamber, Michael Oppenheimer, Robert E Kopp, et al.
April 25, 2022
Coastal defense megaprojects in an era of sea-level rise: politically feasible strate...
D.J. Rasmussen, Kopp Robert, Michael Oppenheimer, et al.