July 20, 2023
Imaging seismic and aseismic plate coupling with interferometric radar (InSAR) in the...
Louise Maubant, William Benjamin Frank, Laura Wallace, et al.
June 27, 2021
Illuminating the pre-, co-, and post-seismic phases of the 2016 M7.8 Kaikoura earthqu...
Calum John Chamberlain, William Frank, Federica Lanza, et al.
January 12, 2022
Low-frequency earthquakes accompany deep slow slip beneath the North Island of New Ze...
Florent Aden-Antoniow, William Benjamin Frank, Calum John Chamberlain, et al.
May 27, 2021
Tracking the spatio-temporal evolution of foreshocks preceding the Mw 6.3 2009 L'Aqui...
Leoncio Cabrera, Piero Poli, William Benjamin Frank, et al.
September 17, 2021
Transfer Learning to Build a Scalable Model for the Declustering of Earthquake Catalo...
Florent Aden-Antoniow, William Benjamin Frank, Leonard Seydoux, et al.