Adekunle Ajayi

and 6 more

Fine-scale motions ($<$100 km) contribute significantly to the exchanges and dissipation of kinetic energy in the upper ocean. However, knowledge of ocean kinetic energy at fine-scales (in terms of density and transfers) is currently limited due to the lack of sufficient observational datasets at these scales. The sea-surface height measurements of the upcoming SWOT altimeter mission should provide information on kinetic energy exchanges in the upper ocean down to 10-15 km. Numerical ocean models, able to describe ocean dynamics down to $\sim$10 km, have been developed in anticipation of the SWOT mission. In this study, we use two state-of-the-art, realistic, North Atlantic simulations, with horizontal resolutions $ \sim $ 1.5 km, to investigate the distribution and exchanges of kinetic energy at fine-scales in the open ocean. Our results show that the distribution of kinetic energy at fine-scales approximately follows the predictions of quasi-geostrophic dynamics in summertime but is somewhat consistent with submesoscale fronts-dominated regimes in wintertime. The kinetic energy spectral fluxes are found to exhibit both inverse and forward cascade over the top 1000 m, with a maximum inverse cascade close to the average energy-containing scale. The forward cascade is confined to the ocean surface and shows a strong seasonality, both in magnitude and range of scales affected. Our analysis further indicates that high-frequency motions ($<$1day) play a key role in the forward cascade and that the estimates of the spectral fluxes based on geostrophic velocities fail to capture some quantitative aspects of kinetic energy exchanges across scales.

Quentin Jamet

and 6 more

Understanding processes associated with eddy-mean flow interactions helps our interpretation of ocean energetics, and guides the development of parameterizations. Here, we focus on the non-local nature of Kinetic Energy (KE) transfers between mean and turbulent reservoirs. Transfers are interpreted as non-local when the energy extraction from the mean flow does not locally sustain energy production of the turbulent flow, or vice versa. The novelty of our approach is to use ensemble statistics to define the mean and the turbulent flow. Based on KE budget considerations, we first rationalize the eddy-mean separation in the ensemble framework, and discuss the interpretation of a mean flow driven by the prescribed (surface and boundary) forcing and a turbulent flow u’ driven by non-linear dynamics sensitive to initial conditions. We then analyze 120-day long, 20-member ensemble simulations of the Western Mediterranean basin run at 1/60 resolution. Our main contribution is to recognize the prominent contribution of the cross energy term .u_h’ to explain non-local energy transfers. This provides a strong constraint on the horizontal organization of eddy-mean flow KE transfers since this term vanishes identically for perturbations (u_h’) orthogonal to the mean flow (). We also highlight the prominent contribution of vertical turbulent fluxes for energy transfers within the surface mixed layer. Analyzing the scale dependence of these non-local energy transfers supports the local approximation usually made in the development of meso-scale, energy-aware parameterizations for non-eddying models, but points out to the necessity of accounting for these non-local effects in the meso-to-submeso scale range.

Adekunle Ajayi

and 6 more

Ocean circulation is dominated by turbulent geostrophic eddy fields with typical scales ranging from 10 km to 300 km. At mesoscales (> 50 km), the size of eddy structures varies regionally following the Rossby radius of deformation. The variability of the scale of smaller eddies is not well known due to the limitations in existing numerical simulations and satellite capability. But it is well established that oceanic flows (< 50km) generally exhibit strong seasonality. In this study, we present a basin-scale analysis of coherent structures down to 10\,km in the North Atlantic Ocean using two submesoscale-permitting ocean models, a NEMO-based North Atlantic simulation with a horizontal resolution of 1/60 (NATL60) and an HYCOM-based Atlantic simulation with a horizontal resolution of 1/50 (HYCOM50). We investigate the spatial and temporal variability of the scale of eddy structures with a particular focus on eddies with scales of 10 to 100\,km, and examine the impact of the seasonality of submesoscale energy on the seasonality and distribution of coherent structures in the North Atlantic. Our results show an overall good agreement between the two models in terms of surface wavenumber spectra and seasonal variability. The key findings of the paper are that (i) the mean size of ocean eddies show strong seasonality; (ii) this seasonality is associated with an increased population of submesoscale eddies (10\,–\,50\,km) in winter; and (iii) the net release of available potential energy associated with mixed layer instability is responsible for the emergence of the increased population of submesoscale eddies in wintertime.