Zachary C. Waldron

and 11 more

This study focuses on utilizing the increasing availability of satellite trajectory data from global navigation satellite system-enabled low-Earth orbiting satellites and their precision orbit determination (POD) solutions to expand and refine thermospheric model validation capabilities. The research introduces an updated interface for the GEODYN-II POD software, leveraging high-precision space geodetic POD to investigate satellite drag and assess density models. This work presents a case study to examine five models (NRLMSIS2.0, DTM2020, JB2008, TIEGCM, and CTIPe) using precise science orbit (PSO) solutions of the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2). The PSO is used as tracking measurements to construct orbit fits, enabling an evaluation according to each model’s ability to redetermine the orbit. Relative in-track deviations, quantified by in-track residuals and root-mean-square errors (RMSe), are treated as proxies for model densities that differ from an unknown true density. The study investigates assumptions related to the treatment of the drag coefficient and leverages them to eliminate bias and effectively scale model density. Assessment results and interpretations are dictated by the timescale at which the scaling occurs. JB2008 requires the least scaling (~-23%) to achieve orbit fits closely matching the PSO within an in-track RMSe of 9 m when scaled over two weeks and 4 m when scaled daily. The remaining models require substantial scaling of the mean density offset (~30-75%) to construct orbit fits that meet the aforementioned RMSe criteria. All models exhibit slight over or under sensitivity to geomagnetic activity according to trends in their 24-hour scaling factors.

Weijia Zhan

and 3 more

This study presents a data-driven approach to quantify uncertainties in the quantities of interest (QoIs), i.e., electron density, plasma drifts, and neutral winds, in the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) system due to varying solar wind parameters (drivers) during quiet conditions (Kp$<$4) and fixed solar radiation and lower atmospheric conditions representative of March 16th, 2013. Ensemble simulations of the coupled Whole Atmosphere Model with Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (WAM-IPE) driven by synthetic solar wind drivers generated through a multi-channel variational autoencoder (MCVAE) model are obtained. The means and variances of the QoIs, as well as the sensitivities of the QoIs with respect to the drivers, are estimated by applying the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) technique. Our results highlight unique features of the IT system’s uncertainty: 1) the uncertainty of the IT system is larger during nighttime; 2) the spatial distributions of the uncertainty for electron density and zonal drift at fixed local times present 4 peaks in the evening sector which is associated with the low density regions of longitude structure of electron density; 3) the uncertainty of the equatorial electron density is highly correlated with the uncertainty of the zonal drift, especially in the evening sector, while it is weakly correlated with the vertical drift. A variance-based global sensitivity analysis is further conducted. Results suggest that the IMF Bz plays a dominant role in the uncertainty of the electron density when IMF Bz is 0 or southward, while the solar wind speed plays a dominant role when IMF Bz is northward.

Jeffrey P. Thayer

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Upper thermosphere mass density over the declining phase of solar cycle 23 are investigated using a day-to-night ratio (DNR) of thermosphere properties as a metric to evaluate how much relative change occurs climatologically between day and night. CHAMP observations from 2002-2009, MSIS 2.0 output, and TIEGCM V2.0 simulations are analyzed to assess their relative response in DNR. The CHAMP observations demonstrate nightside densities decrease more significantly than dayside densities as solar flux decreases. This causes a steadily increasing CHAMP mass density DNR from two to four with decreasing solar flux. The MSIS 2.0 nightside densities decrease more significantly than the dayside, resulting in the same trend as CHAMP. TIEGCM V2.0 displays an opposing trend in density DNR with decreasing solar flux due to dayside densities decreasing more significantly than nightside densities. A sensitivity analysis of the two models reveals the TIEGCM V2.0 to have greater sensitivity in temperature to levels of solar flux, while MSIS 2.0 displayed a greater sensitivity in mean molecular weight. The pressure DNR from both models contributed the most to the density DNR value at 400 km. As solar flux decreases, the two models’ estimate of pressure DNR deviate appreciably and trend in opposite directions. The TIEGCM V2.0 dayside temperatures during middle-to-low solar flux are too cold relative to MSIS 2.0. Increasing the dayside temperature values by about 50 – 100 K and decreasing the nightside temperature slightly would bring the TIEGCM V2.0 into better agreement with MSIS 2.0 and CHAMP observations.

Vishal Ray

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Atmospheric drag is one of the primary sources of error in the orbit determination and prediction of satellites in the low altitude LEO regime. Accurate modeling of the drag force is limited by uncertainties in the atmospheric density model used in the filter and the assumption of a constant drag coefficient, the so-called ‘cannonball’ model. Over the last two decades, various advances in density and drag-coefficient modeling have been made possible through the development of empirical and physics-based dynamical calibration techniques and machine-learning methods respectively. But even with high-fidelity models for density and drag coefficient, systematic uncertainties can remain in both due to the lack of temporal and spatial resolution of data and insufficient knowledge of parameters that feed into these models. In this work, we develop an estimation-based Fourier expansion model that can provide corrections to the nominal values of density and drag coefficient during the orbit determination process. In an earlier work (Ray et al., 2018), we demonstrated improved orbit prediction performance over the standard cannonball model with Fourier series expansions of the drag coefficient in body frame and orbit frame of a satellite. Whereas a body-fixed Fourier model captures the dependence of the drag coefficient on satellite attitude, the orbit-fixed model corrects for periodic changes in the gas-surface interaction in orbit. Since changes in the gas-surface interaction parameters in orbit are highly correlated with atmospheric density, any existing errors in the density are absorbed in the estimated orbit-fixed coefficients. Here, we derive a body-orbit Fourier model such that the orbit-fixed terms provide corrections for combined error variations of density and drag coefficient in orbit while the body-fixed terms account for the drag coefficient attitude dependence. We analyze the performance of the proposed approach with various atmospheric models such as NRLMSISE-00 (Picone et al., 2002), JB08 (Bowman et al., 2008), HASDM (Storz et al., 2002) and densities derived by Mehta et al. (2017) for varying geomagnetic conditions for the GRACE satellite.

Fazlul I Laskar

and 10 more

Themospheric conditions during a minor geomagnetic event of 3 and 4 February 2022 has been investigated using disk temperature (T$_{disk}$) observations from Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission and model simulations. GOLD observed that the T$_{disk}$ increases by more than 60 K during the storm event when compared with pre-storm quiet days. A comparison of the T$_{disk}$ with effective temperatures (i.e., a weighted average based on airglow emission layer) from Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter radar version 2 (MSIS2) and Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) models shows that MAGE outperforms MSIS2 during this particular event. MAGE underestimates the T$_{eff}$ by about 2\%, whereas MSIS2 underestimates it by 7\%. As temperature enhancements lead to an expansion of the thermosphere and resulting density changes, the value of the temperature enhancement observed by GOLD can be utilized to find a GOLD equivalent MSIS2 (GOLD-MSIS) simulation $\textendash$ from a set of MSIS2 runs obtained by varying geomagnetic ap index values. From the MSIS2 runs we find that an ap value of 116 nT produces a T$_{eff}$ perturbation that matches with the GOLD T$_{disk}$ enhancement. Note that during this storm the highest value of the 3 hr cadence ap was 56 nT. From the MSIS-GOLD run we found that the thermospheric density enhancement varies with altitude from 15\% (at 150 km) to 80\% (at 500 km). Independent simulations from the MAGE model also show a comparable enhancement in neutral density. These results suggest that even a modest storm could impact the thermospheric densities significantly.

Chin S. Lin

and 5 more

Satellite in-situ electron density observations of the storm enhanced density 2 and the polar Tongue of Ionization on the noon meridional plane in the F 3 region during the  The first report on satellite in-situ electron density measurements of the storm enhanced 15 density at the noon meridian plane 16  The lifecycle of ionospheric storm enhanced densities is mainly controlled by variations 17 of the dayside prompt penetration electric fields 18  The key methodologies include a comparison of TIEGCM modeling with satellite in-situ 19 electron density observations and a correlation analysis 20 21 22 Abstract 23 Ionospheric storm enhanced density (SED) has been extensively investigated using Total 24 Electron Content (TEC) deduced from GPS ground and satellite-borne receivers. However, in-25 situ electron density measurements have not been reported for SEDs yet. We report in-situ 26 electron density measurements of a SED event and its associated polar tongue of ionization 27 (TOI) at the noon meridian plane measured by the CHAMP polar-orbiting satellite at about 390 28 km altitude during the 20 November 2003 magnetic storm. The measurements provided rare 29 evidence about the SED’s life cycle at a fixed magnetic local time. CHAMP detected the SED 30 onset right after the arrival of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection shock front. The SED 31 electron density enhancement extended from the equatorial ionization anomaly to the noon cusp, 32 through which plasmas entered into the polar cap as polar plasma clouds/TOI. For several 33 satellite-ground conjunction passes, CHAMP measured the electron density of plasma clouds 34 comparable to the TOI density measured by the Tromso ISR, establishing that the plasma clouds 35 were related to the TOI. The SED plume in the NH retreated gradually to lower latitudes six 36 hours after the SED onset. We conducted TIEGCM modeling to demonstrate that the SED 37 density enhancement was likely due to the vertical transport of plasmas. The observed mid-38 latitude electron density varied with the cross-polar cap electric fields, suggesting that prompt 39 penetration electric fields (PPEFs) in the zonal direction played a dominant role. The 40 implication is that variations of the dayside PPEFs largely control the SED lifecycle. 41 42 Plain Language Summary 43 Ground radar and GPS stations have frequently detected enhancement of ionospheric electron 44 density at mid-latitudes and in the polar cap during the magnetic storm recovery phase. We 45 report in-situ satellite observations near 400 km at the noon meridian plane during an intense 46 magnetic storm. It provides for the first time clear evidence about the life cycle of ionospheric 47 electron density enhancement, starting from its onset at mid-latitudes, entry into the polar cap, 48 and retreat to lower latitudes. The mid-latitude ionospheric electron density was mainly 49 enhanced in the northern hemisphere, triggered by the passage of a solar wind dynamic pressure 50 shock front. Global circulation modeling suggests that the vertical transport of ionospheric 51 plasmas probably produced the enhancement. The dayside prompt-penetration electric fields in 52 the zonal direction likely drove the vertical plasma uplift. Thus, it appears that the SED lifecycle 53 is mainly controlled by variations of the dayside prompt electric field. 54