Zhangcheng Pei

and 8 more

Global climate models and reanalysis products have revealed large, persistent downwelling shortwave radiation biases over the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctica. The biases are hypothesized to be caused by the incapability of models to accurately simulate the frequent occurrence of low-level mixed-phase clouds in these regions. In this study, we use the ground-based observations collected at Davis, Antarctica during the Precipitation over Land and The Southern Ocean (PLATO) field campaign in austral summer of 2019 to assess the capability of the high-resolution regional Unified Model (UM) to reproduce precipitating clouds off coastal Antarctica. We test the new UM double-moment Cloud AeroSol Interacting Microphysics (CASIM) scheme, running at the spatial resolution of 1.5-km and 100-m. We compare it to the previous single-moment cloud microphysics scheme at the same resolutions. The atmospheric configurations with double-moment cloud microphysics exhibit marginally degraded meteorological conditions relative to single-moment configurations compared with observations. For cloud properties, the UM regional models can generally simulate the phase, vertical structure and timing of events during the sublimation and precipitation periods. Nevertheless, overestimated ice water path and potentially underestimated liquid water path contribute to positive surface shortwave biases and negative longwave biases. The single moment microphysics simulates more liquid water path, though we suggest for the wrong reasons due to its ice nucleating parameterization. Our results suggest that the new double-moment cloud microphysics scheme, while having reduced performance in some respects, has large potential to better represent low-level mixed phase clouds for this region.

Emily Tansey

and 4 more

Shallow cloud decks residing in or near the boundary layer cover a large fraction of the Southern Ocean (SO) and play a major role in determining the amount of shortwave radiation reflected back to space from this region. In this article, we examine the macrophysical characteristics and thermodynamic phase of low clouds (tops < 3 km) and precipitation using ground-based ceilometer, depolarization lidar and vertically-pointing W-band radar measurements collected during the Macquarie Island Cloud and Radiation Experiment (MICRE) from April 2016-March 2017. During MICRE, low clouds occurred ~65% of the time on average (slightly more often in austral winter than summer). About 2/3 of low clouds were cold-topped (temperatures < 0°C); these were thicker and had higher bases on average than warm-topped clouds. 83-88% of cold-topped low clouds were liquid phase at cloud base (depending on the season). The majority of low clouds had precipitation in the vertical range 150 to 250 meters below cloud base, a significant fraction of which did not reach the surface. Phase characterization is limited to the period between April 2016 and November 2016. Small-particle (low-radar-reflectivity) precipitation (which dominates precipitation occurrence) was mostly liquid below-cloud, while large-particle precipitation (which dominates total accumulation) was predominantly mixed/ambiguous or ice phase. Approximately 40% of cold-topped clouds had mixed/ambiguous or ice phase precipitation below (with predominantly liquid phase cloud droplets at cloud base). Below-cloud precipitation with radar reflectivity factors below about -10 dBZ were predominantly liquid, while reflectivity factors above about 0 dBZ were predominantly ice.

Gerald Mace

and 7 more

The properties of Southern Ocean (SO) liquid phase non precipitating clouds (hereafter clouds) are examined using shipborne data collected during the Measurements of Aerosols, Radiation and Clouds over the Southern Ocean (MARCUS) and the Clouds Aerosols Precipitation Radiation and atmospheric Composition Over the SoutheRN ocean (CAPRICORN) I and II campaigns that took place in the Southern Ocean south of Australia during 2016 and late 2017 into early 2018. The cloud properties are derived using W-band radar, lidar, and microwave radiances using an optimal estimation algorithm. The SO clouds tended to have larger liquid water paths (LWP, 115 ±117 g m-2), smaller effective radii (, 8.7 ±3um), and higher number concentrations (, 90 ±107 cm), than typical values of eastern ocean basin stratocumulus. The clouds demonstrated a tendency for the LWP to increase with presumably due to precipitation suppression up to of approximately 100 cm when mean LWP decreased with increasing . Due to higher optical depth, cloud albedos were less susceptible to changes in compared to subtropical stratocumulus. The high latitude clouds observed along and near the Antarctic coast presented a distinctly bimodal character. One mode had the properties of marine clouds further north. The other mode occurred in an aerosol environment characterized by high cloud condensation nuclei concentrations and elevated sulfate aerosol without any obvious continental aerosol markers that had much higher , smaller and overall higher LWP suggesting distinct sensitivity of the clouds to seasonal biogenic aerosol production in the high latitude regions.