Mark Nessel

and 33 more

Animal stoichiometry influences critical processes from organismal physiology to biogeochemical cycles. However, it remains uncertain whether animal stoichiometry follows predictable scaling relationships with body mass and whether adaptation to terrestrial or aquatic environments constrains elemental allocation. We tested both interspecific and intraspecific body-mass scaling relationships for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and N:P content using a subset of the StoichLife database, which includes 9,933 individual animals across 1,543 species spanning 10 orders of magnitude in body mass from terrestrial, freshwater, and marine realms. Our results show that body mass predicts intraspecific stoichiometric variation, accounting for 42-45% of the variation in 27% of vertebrate and 35% of invertebrate species. However, body mass was less effective at explaining interspecific variation, with taxonomic identity emerging as a more significant factor. Differences between aquatic and terrestrial organisms were observed only in invertebrate interspecific %N, suggesting that realm has a relatively minor influence on elemental allocation. Our study, based on the most comprehensive animal stoichiometry database to date, revealed that while body mass is a good predictor of intraspecific elemental content, it is less effective for interspecific patterns. This highlights the importance of evolutionary history and taxonomic identity over general scaling laws in explaining stoichiometric variation.

Ana E. Bonato Asato

and 4 more

INTRODUCTIONCompelling evidence shows that biodiversity enhances essential ecosystem functions, such as productivity and decomposition rates (Loreau & Hector 2001; Hooper et al., 2005; Cardinale et al., 2012). One primary underlying reason may be that individual species or groups of species in different functional groups may have dissimilar niches (niche complementarity effects ) which allow diverse communities to maximize resource utilization and minimize competition (Cardinale et al., 2011; Zuppinger-Dingley et al., 2014). In theory, such niche differences include temporal variation in biological activity (Ebeling et al., 2014), and species in a community can adjust the timing of their biological activity in such a way that they cover the longest possible time and/or use the resources from the largest possible space in the habitat. If phenological niche differences are high enough, they can affect the shape of the phenology at the community level. For instance, if a plant community is composed of species that grow in early spring, the aboveground growing season will be extended, compared with a community lacking those species (Ebeling et al., 2014; Rudolf, 2019). Therefore, species and functional group diversity can affect the timing of community-level productivity (i.e. community phenology) via temporal niche differentiation and/or increasing the probability of species with those traits to occur in the community (selection effect ) (Loreau & Hector 2001). However, variation in phenology is primarily monitored at the species rather than community level. Moreover, phenological variation is typically attributed to changes in climate drivers, such as temperature and water supply (Wright and van Schaik 1994; Staggemeier et al., 2018), and has rarely been quantified as a response to changes in biodiversity (but see Wolf et al., 2017 and Guimarães-Steinike et al., 2019).Most ecosystem processes are soil-related or even soil-dependent (Bardgett & van der Putten, 2014; Soliveres et al., 2016; Schuldt et al., 2018). However, phenology tends to be monitored on easily observed aboveground response variables, and evidence describing soil phenology is mostly lacking (Bonato Asato et al., 2023). This knowledge gap leads to uncertainty about how well soil properties and belowground processes (i.e. root growth and activity of soil organisms) are predicted by aboveground phenological strategies (Eisenhauer, 2012; Blume-Werry et al., 2015; Eisenhauer et al., 2018). Because shoots and roots are interdependent, tight synchrony of their responses to environmental drivers is often expected (Iversen et al., 2015; but see Blume-Werry et al., 2016). However, the role of biotic and abiotic constraints on this synchrony seems to vary significantly among ecosystems and plant types, ultimately affecting which organs grow first, faster, or remain active and alive longer. Moreover, plant (roots and shoots) processes are often assumed to indicate ecosystem functions driven by the activity of organisms at adjacent trophic levels, such as soil fauna, but this may not necessarily be the case. Hot moments (within-year events inducing high activity) in soil organism activity depend, in part, on inputs from root exudates or pulses of detrital inputs from senescent roots (Kuzyakov & Blagodatskaya 2015). However, the limited evidence from the field does not always confirm plant-activity-based assumptions. For example, phenological monitoring of detritivore feeding activity during the growing season in oaks has shown both a negative and no correlation between feeding activity and oak branch production (Eisenhauer et al., 2018). In an experimental grassland, feeding activity rates decreased during the summer, when plant growth is usually high (Siebert et al., 2019; Sünnemann et al., 2021). Evidence suggests that investments in shoot and root production are commonly not synchronous (e.g. Steinaker & Wilson 2008; Steinaker et al. 2010; Sloan et al. 2016; Blume-Werry et al. 2016), as well as the dynamics of soil organisms (Bonato Asato et al., 2023; Eisenhauer et al., 2018). However, we lack experimental evidence demonstrating whether changes in biodiversity may influence the predictability and synchronization of the dynamics above and below the ground.Presently, two predominant conceptual frameworks delineate the interplay between biodiversity and the synchronization of ecosystem functions. On the one hand, ecosystem stability theory suggests that increasing biodiversity increases temporal asynchrony among populations and functions, which would be one of the primary mechanisms for positive diversity-stability relationships (Cardinale et al., 2013; Loreau & de Mazancourt 2013). In other words, temporal asynchrony is needed for a healthy (stable) ecosystem functioning. On the other hand, ecosystem coupling, as defined by Ochoa-Hueso et al. (2021) as ”the orderly connections between the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems across spaces and/or time”, suggests the opposite: for more efficiently process, cycle, and transfer of energy and matter, a higher temporal coupling of populations and functions is needed. Under this point of view, temporal synchrony is required for more efficient ecosystem functioning, and monitoring the dynamics of one function or population can be used as an indicator of activity in the other. In both cases, disruptions such as biodiversity change, may affect key aboveground or belowground processes, leading to acceleration or delay of community phenology and desynchronization of ecosystem functions. Despite the potential importance of aboveground-belowground phenological synchrony, the current lack of studies concurrently monitoring shoot, root, and soil fauna dynamics has impeded a thorough understanding of the mechanisms by which changes in biological diversity may influence the responses of these affiliated processes.Here, we examine how experimentally manipulated plant diversity influences the phenological patterns of shoot, root, and soil fauna dynamics (responses). In the framework of a long-term grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; Roscher et al. 2014; Weisser et al. 2017), using well-established methods (LiDAR, phenological cameras, minirhizotrons, bait-lamina strips), we measure ecosystem response variables that are often used to evaluate aboveground-belowground ecosystem functioning and biological activity in annual plant communities (e.g. plant community height, greenness, root production, and detritivore feeding activity) every two to three weeks over four seasons (one full year). We used these data to calculate yearly values for each response variable, phenological patterns, and synchrony between response variables. With this approach, we ask the following questions:1) How does plant diversity affect the yearly accumulated values of aboveground plant traits and belowground activity? We expect that increasing plant diversity throughout the year enhances all response variables (Weisser et al. 2017; Mommer et al., 2015; Eisenhauer et al., 2010).2) Does plant diversity affect intra-annual aboveground and belowground phenological patterns? We predict that plant community shoot dynamics will be concentrated in spring and summer, as usual in temperate regions. Root production should last longer than that of shoots, as found in other studies (Steinaker & Wilson 2008; Blume-Werry et al. 2016), even though it is not clear if this longer activity is driven by an earlier start of the production, a later end, or both. For detritivore feeding activity, we expect a peak in early spring due to high moisture and increased temperature and another peak in autumn, driven by the increased availability of resources by above- and belowground plant-derived inputs and high moisture.3) Do changes in plant diversity affect the synchrony of shoot, root, or soil organism dynamics? We expect plant species richness and functional group richness to enhance aboveground-belowground activity, which could lead to either more or less synchronized patterns. If plant diversity drives enhanced functioning at different time points (e.g. advances plant growth and delays root senescence), we could see a negative diversity effect on synchrony.4) Does the time of year influence the strength/direction/predictability of relationships between aboveground-belowground response variables? Because plant shoots are only active for a restricted period, we expect plant diversity effects to be most pronounced during the growing season (Guimarães-Steinike et al., 2019), while abiotic constraints might mostly drive belowground dynamics out of the growing season.

Henriette Christel

and 5 more

The capacity of forests to sequester carbon in both above- and belowground compartments is a crucial tool to mitigate rising atmospheric carbon concentrations. Belowground carbon storage in forests is strongly linked to soil microbial communities that are the key drivers of soil heterotrophic respiration, organic matter decomposition, and thus nutrient cycling. However, the relationships between tree diversity and soil microbial properties such as biomass and respiration remain unclear with inconsistent findings among studies. It is unknown so far how the spatial configuration and soil depth affects the relationship of tree richness and microbial properties. Here, we studied the spatial distribution of soil microbial properties in the context of a tree diversity experiment by measuring soil microbial biomass and respiration in subtropical forests (BEF-China experiment). We sampled soil cores at two depths at five locations along a spatial transect between the trees in mono- and heterospecific tree pairs of the native deciduous species Liquidambar formosana and Sapindus saponaria. Our analyses showed decreasing soil microbial biomass and respiration with increasing soil depth and distance from the tree in monospecific tree pairs. We calculated belowground overyielding of soil microbial biomass and respiration - which is a higher microbial biomass or respiration than expected from the monocultures - and analysed the distribution patterns along the transect. We found no general overyielding across all sampling positions and depths. Yet, we encountered a spatial pattern of microbial overyielding with a significant microbial overyielding close to L. formosana trees and microbial underyielding close to S. saponaria trees. We found similar spatial patterns across microbial properties and depths that only differed in their effect size. Our results highlight the importance of small-scale variations of tree-tree interaction effects on soil microbial communities and functions and are calling for better integration of within-plot variability to understand biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.

Helen Phillips

and 14 more

Christian Ristok

and 3 more

Leonardo Bassi

and 12 more

Plant monocultures growing for extended periods face severe losses of productivity. This phenomenon, known as ‘yield decline’, is often caused by the accumulation of above- and belowground plant antagonists. The effectiveness of plant defences against antagonists might help explaining differences in yield decline among species. Using a trait-based approach, we studied the role of 20 physical and chemical defence traits of leaves and fine roots on yield decline of 18-year old monocultures of 27 grassland species. We hypothesized that yield decline is lower for species with high defences, that root defences are better predictors of yield decline than leaf defences, and that in roots, physical defences better predict yield decline than chemical defences, while the reverse is true for leaves. We additionally hypothesized that species increasing the expression of defence traits after long-term monoculture growth would suffer less yield decline. We summarized leaf and fine root defence traits using principal component analysis and analysed the relationship between defence traits mean as a measure of defence strenght and defence traits temporal changes of the most informative components and monoculture yield decline. The only significant predictors of yield decline were the mean and temporal changes of the component related to specific root length and root diameter (e.g. the so called collaboration gradient of the root economics space). The principal component analysis of the remaining traits showed strong trade-offs between defences suggesting that different plant species deploy a variety of strategies to defend themselves. This diversity of strategies could preclude the detection of a generalized correlation between the strength and temporal changes of defence gradients and yield decline. Our results show that yield decline is strongly linked to belowground processes particularly to root traits. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanism driving the effect of the collaboration gradient on yield decline.

Rike Schwarz

and 6 more

Biological invasions have major impacts on a variety of ecosystems and threaten native biodiversity. Earthworms have been absent from northern parts of North America since the last ice age, but non-native earthworms were recently introduced there and are now being spread by human activities. While past work has shown that plant communities in earthworm-invaded areas change towards a lower diversity mainly dominated by grasses, the underlying mechanisms related to changes in the biotic interactions of the plants are not well understood. Here, we used a trait-based approach to study the effect of earthworms on interspecific plant competition and aboveground herbivory. We conducted a microcosm experiment in a growth chamber with a full-factorial design using three plant species native to northern North American deciduous forests, Poa palustris (grass), Symphyotrichum laeve (herb), and Vicia americana (legume), either growing in monoculture or in a mixture of three. These plant community treatments were crossed with earthworm (presence or absence) and herbivore (presence or absence) treatments. Eight out of the eleven above- and belowground plant functional traits studied were significantly affected by earthworms, either by a general effect or in interaction with plant species identity, plant diversity level, and/or herbivore. Earthworms increased the aboveground productivity and the number of inflorescences of the grass P. palustris. Further, earthworms countervailed the increasing effect of herbivores on root tissue density of all species, and earthworms and herbivores individually increased the average root diameter of S. laeve in monoculture, but decreased it in mixture. In this study, earthworm presence gave a competitive advantage to the grass species P. palustris by inducing changes in plant functional traits. Our results suggest that invasive earthworms can alter competitive and multitrophic interactions of plants, shedding light on some of the mechanisms behind invasive earthworm-induced plant community changes in northern North America forests.

Laura Argens

and 10 more

Ecosystem management aims at providing many ecosystem services simultaneously. Such ecosystem multifunctionality can be limited by trade-offs and increased by synergies among the underlying ecosystem functions (EF), which need to be understood to develop targeted management. Previous studies found differences in the correlation between EFs. We hypothesised that correlations between EFs are variable even under the controlled conditions of a field experiment and that seasonal and annual variation, plant species richness, and plot identity (identity effects of plant communities such as the presence and absence of functional groups and species) are drivers of these correlations. We used data on 31 EFs related to plants, consumers, and physical soil properties that were measured over 5 to 19 years, up to three times per year, in a temperate grassland experiment with 80 different plots, constituting six sown plant species richness levels (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 60 species). We found that correlations between pairs of EFs were variable, and correlations between two particular EFs could range from weak to strong correlations or from negative to positive correlations among the repeated measurements. To determine the drivers of pairwise EF correlations, the covariance between EFs was partitioned into contributions from plant species richness, plot identity, and time (including years and seasons). We found that most of the covariance for synergies was explained by species richness (26.5%), whereas for trade-offs, most covariance was explained by plot identity (29.5%). Additionally, some EF pairs were more affected by differences among years and seasons and therefore showed a higher temporal variation. Therefore, correlations between two EFs from single measurements are insufficient to draw conclusions on trade-offs and synergies. Consequently, pairs of EFs need to be measured repeatedly under different conditions to describe their relationships with more certainty and be able to derive recommendations for the management of grasslands.

Angelos Amyntas

and 7 more

1.     Species-rich communities exhibit higher levels of ecosystem functioning compared to species-poor ones, and this positive relationship strengthens over time. One proposed explanation for this phenomenon is the reduction of niche overlap among plants or animals, which corresponds to increased complementarity and reduced competition. 2.     In order to examine the potential of increased complementarity among plants or animals to strengthen the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functions, we integrated models of bio-energetic population dynamics and food-web assembly. Through the simulation of various scenarios of plant and animal complementarity change, we sought to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the observed increases in (1) primary productivity, (2) control of herbivores by predators, and (3) reduction of herbivore pressure on plants in species-rich communities.3.     Our findings reveal that increased niche complementarity of plants can steepen the diversity-function relationships if it does not increase their intraspecific competition, while increasing complementarity among animals during community assembly can also have a positive effect but with considerable variability. 4.     The study highlights the importance of trait variation both among and within species, and the interplay between intra- and interspecific competition strength in shaping the functioning of ecosystems over time. These results offer insights into the mechanisms underpinning the diversity-functioning relationship, and have practical implications for ecosystem management and conservation efforts.