Michael P. Vermeuel

and 15 more

Dry deposition is the second-largest tropospheric ozone (O3) sink and occurs through stomatal and nonstomatal pathways. Current O3 uptake predictions are limited by the simplistic big-leaf schemes commonly used in chemical transport models (CTMs) to parameterize deposition. Such schemes fail to reproduce observed O3 fluxes over terrestrial ecosystems, highlighting the need for more realistic treatment of surface-atmosphere exchange in CTMs. We address this need by linking a resolved canopy model (1D Multi-Layer Canopy CHemistry and Exchange Model, MLC-CHEM) to the GEOS-Chem CTM, and use this new framework to simulate O3 fluxes over three north temperate forests. We compare results with in-situ measurements from four field studies and with standalone, observationally-constrained MLC-CHEM runs to test current knowledge of O3 deposition and its drivers. We show that GEOS-Chem overpredicts observed O3 fluxes across all four studies by up to 2×, whereas the resolved-canopy models capture observed diel profiles of O3 deposition and in-canopy concentrations to within 10%. Relative humidity and solar irradiance are strong O3 flux drivers over these forests, and uncertainties in those fields provide the largest remaining source of model deposition biases. Flux partitioning analysis shows that: 1) nonstomatal loss accounts for 60% of O3 deposition on average; 2) in-canopy chemistry makes only a small contribution to total O3 fluxes; and 3) the CTM big-leaf treatment overestimates O3-driven stomatal loss and plant phytotoxicity in these temperate forests by up to 7×. Results motivate the application of fully-online, vertically explicit canopy schemes in CTMs for improved O3 predictions.