Soboh Wajih Al Qeeq

and 7 more

We estimate the global impact of storms on the global structure and dynamics of the nightside plasma sheet (PS) from observations by the NASA mission THEMIS. We focus on an intense storm occurring in December 2015 triggered by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). It starts with a storm sudden commencement (SSC) phase (SYM-H~+50nT) followed by a growth phase (SYM-H~-188nT at the minimum) and then a long recovery phase. We investigate THEMIS observations when the spacecraft were located in the midnight sector of the PS at distances typically between 8 and 13RE. It is found that the PS has been globally compressed up to a value of about~>4nPa during the SSC and main phases, i.e. 8 times larger than its value during the quiet phase before the event. This compression occurs during periods of high dynamic pressure in the ICME (20nPa) about one order of magnitude larger than its value in the pristine solar wind. We infer a global increase of the lobe magnetic field from 30nT to 100nT, confirmed by THEMIS data just outside the PS. During the SSC and main phases, the PS is found thinner by a factor of 2 relative to its thickness at quiet times, while the Tsyganenko T96 magnetic field model shows very stretched magnetic field lines from inner magnetospheric regions toward the nightside. During the recovery phase, whereas the interplanetary pressure has dropped off, the PS tends to gradually recover its quiet phase characteristics (pressure, thickness, magnetic configuration, etc) during a long recovery phase.
The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Ground Radio Lab (GRL) is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) project aiming to engage and train the next generations of scholars. To achieve this, the project 1) recruited students to participate in the design, development, and testing of a simple antenna kit that were sent to high schools nationwide free of charge, 2) prepared online, self-paced training modules to educate students on topics including radio astronomy and space weather, and 3) recruited high schools to host antenna installations, participate in regular data collection and analysis campaigns, and engage in monthly webinars and Q&A sessions with space industry experts. GRL observation campaigns during the ongoing solar maximum have cataloged various solar radio bursts (SRB) types, defined as low-frequency radio emissions emanated by accelerated electrons associated with extreme solar activity, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Our observations indicate that 1) Type III radio bursts closely follow solar flares, with their intensity often matching the flareā€™s strength, helping to further our understanding of electron acceleration and propagation dynamics, and 2) Type II radio bursts coincide with geomagnetic disturbances caused by Earth-bound CMEs, aligned with established literature. Our community of high school students and mentors will continue to maintain our publicly available catalog of SRBs in support of the science objectives of SunRISE mission.