Controls on the strength and structure of the Atlantic meridional
overturning circulation in climate models
State-of-the-art climate models simulate a large spread in the
mean-state Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), with
strengths varying between 12 and 25 Sv. Here, we introduce a framework
for understanding this spread by assessing the balance between the
thermal-wind expression and surface water mass transformation in the
North Atlantic. The intermodel spread in the mean-state AMOC strength is
shown to be related to the overturning scale depth: climate models with
a larger scale depth tend to also have a stronger AMOC. Intermodel
variations in the overturning scale depth are also related to intermodel
variations in North Atlantic surface buoyancy loss and stratification.
We present a physically-motivated scaling relationship that links the
scale-depth variations to buoyancy forcing and stratification in the
North Atlantic, and thus connects North Atlantic surface processes to
the interior ocean circulation. These results offer a framework for
reducing mean-state AMOC biases in climate models.