Lithologies and Chronologic Opportunities of Materials to be Returned
from the Artemis Exploration Zone
The Artemis exploration zone is a geologically-complex region likely
hosting some of the oldest and as-yet-unstudied materials on the Moon.
We review six potential Artemis landing sites (001, 004, 007, 011, 102,
and 105) within candidate Artemis III landing regions ‘Connecting
Ridge,’ ‘Peak Near Shackleton,’ ‘Leibnitz Beta Plateau,’ ‘de Gerlache
Rim,’ and ‘de Gerlache Rim 2.’ Kaguya Spectral Profiler mineral data
were used to determine average lithological composition at each landing
site. Potentially accessible geologic materials, their ages and
significance, and appropriate application of radiometric chronometers
are discussed in reference to return samples from each potential landing
site. Chronologic analyses of return samples from the Artemis
exploration zone will enable the anchoring of the lunar impact flux
curve, determine the absolute timing of pivotal events in lunar geologic
history, and reveal geological diversity of the differentiated lunar