An advanced hodograph technique was applied to extract quasi-monochromatic, linear gravity wave (GW) packets from simultaneous wind and temperature measurements by a ground-based Doppler-Rayleigh-Mie-Raman lidar located in Kühlungsborn (54\,\textdegree N, 12\,\textdegree E). During the night of 11 to 12 February 2022, the stratospheric polar vortex was slightly elongated towards Central Europe. The polar night jet’s (PNJ) core was located nearly above the lidar. This unique meteorological situation allowed horizontal wind and temperature measurements in a stratospheric high-wind speed regime. GW refraction in the strong vertical gradient of the horizontal winds associated with the PNJ was observed. In addition, the subsequent low-pass filtering of upward and downward propagating GWs in the strong winds of the PNJ was demonstrated. A pair of upward and downward propagating GWs at the top and bottom edge of the PNJ’s core could be the result of shear excitation in the PNJ. A statistical analysis of intrinsic GW parameters is provided for all resolved linear GWs. Approximately 35\,\% of the resolved GWs propagate downward, and there is stronger filtering of the downward waves compared to the upward waves by the PNJ core. ECMWF-IFS horizontal winds and temperatures had a lower variability than the lidar and a poorer overall agreement above 50\,km. Stratospheric temperatures in ECMWF show a cool bias of greater than 2\,K.