Quantifying magma overpressure beneath a submarine caldera: A mechanical
modeling approach to tsunamigenic trapdoor faulting near Kita-Ioto
Island, Japan
Submarine volcano monitoring is vital for assessing volcanic hazards but
challenging in remote and inaccessible environments. In the vicinity of
Kita-Ioto Island, south of Japan, unusual M~5
non-double-couple volcanic earthquakes exhibited quasi-regular
repetition near a submarine caldera. Following the 2008 earthquake, a
distant ocean bottom pressure sensor recorded a distinct tsunami signal.
In this study, we aim to find a source model of the tsunami-generating
earthquake and quantify the pre-seismic magma overpressure within the
caldera’s magma reservoir. Based on the earthquake’s atypical focal
mechanism and efficient tsunami generation, we hypothesize that
submarine trapdoor faulting occurred due to highly pressurized magma. To
investigate this hypothesis, we establish a mechanical earthquake model
that links pre-seismic magma overpressure to the size of the resulting
trapdoor faulting, by considering stress interaction between a
ring-fault system and a reservoir of the caldera. The model reproduces
the observed tsunami waveform data. Our estimates indicate trapdoor
faulting with large fault slip occurred in the critically stressed
submarine caldera accommodating pre-seismic magma overpressure of
~10 MPa. The model infers that the earthquake partially
reduced magma overpressure by 10–20%, indicating that the magmatic
system maintained high stress levels even after the earthquake. Due to
limited data, uncertainties persist, and alternative source geometries
of trapdoor faulting could lead to estimate variations. These results
suggest that magmatic systems beneath calderas are influenced much by
intra-caldera fault systems. Monitoring and investigation of volcanic
tsunamis and earthquakes help to obtain quantitative insights into
submarine volcanism hidden under the ocean.