Helen Schneider

and 5 more

Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSW) and Elevated Stratopause (ES) events are mid-to-high latitudinal, atmospheric wave-driven phenomena leading to significant changes in wind, temperatures, and vertical mass transport, especially in stratospheric and mesospheric altitudes. Presumably, SSW and ES-induced changes also cause modifications in the highly variable D-region ionization. This bottom side of the ionosphere behaves with the Earth’s surface as a reflection boundary for Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio signal transmission used for long-distance communication. Since perturbations of the D-region ionization are also notable in the VLF signal, it is a valuable tool for continuous investigations of the D-region. Here, we study the impact of four SSW/ES events on the VLF signal amplitude between the high latitude transmitter-receiver link Keflavik, Iceland, to NyÅlesund, Svalbard, to gain further knowledge about interactions between the D-region and the atmosphere during these atmospheric phenomena. For three of four SSW/ES events, a very similar VLF signal amplitude signature is observed, characterized by a significant increase during the SSW period in the signal amplitude followed by a decrease during the ES period. This study aims to reveal a possible mechanism driving these similar VLF signal amplitude variations, involving modified electron neutral collision frequencies and electron densities due to changed temperatures and minor constituent concentrations according to the SSW/ES events. However, the VLF signal amplitude for one event increased two weeks later than during the other three events and did not show a decrease during the ES period. Possible causes for the different VLF signal amplitude variations are discussed.

Helen Schneider

and 3 more

The amplitude of Very Low Frequency (VLF) transmissions propagating from transmitter to receiver between the Earth’s surface and the ionospheric D-region is a useful measurement to detect changes in the ionization within the D-region ranging from 60-90 km. The VLF signal amplitude is disturbed by geomagnetic, solar, and atmospheric phenomena. To be able to identify perturbations in the VLF signal amplitude, we determine its averaged seasonal variation under quiet solar and geomagnetic conditions. Here it is challenging, that long time series of the VLF signal amplitude show significant jumps and outliers, which are caused artificially by technical adjustments/maintenance work. This paper presents a new approach for processing long VLF data time series over multiple years resulting in level 2 data. The new level 2 data enables the consideration of time series with artificial jumps since the jumps are leveled. Moreover, the outliers are removed by a robust and systematic 2-step outlier filtering. The average seasonal and diurnal variation for different transmitter-receiver combinations can be computed with the new level 2 data by applying a composite analysis. A subsequently applied polynomial fit obtains the quiet time lines for daytime and nighttime, representing the typical seasonal variation under undisturbed conditions of the VLF signal amplitude for each considered link. The developed quiet time lines may serve as a tool to determine perturbations of the VLF signal amplitude with solar and geomagnetic as well as atmospheric origin. Also, they allow comparison of the VLF signal amplitude variation for different transmitter-receiver links.