The quartz α → β transition is a displacive phase transition associated with a significant change in elastic properties. However, the elastic properties of quartz at high-pressure and temperature remain poorly constrained experimentally, particularly within the field of β-quartz. Here, we conducted an experimental study on the quartz α → β transition during which P-wave velocities were measured in-situ at pressure (from 0.5 to 1.25 GPa) and temperature (200 to 900 °C) conditions of the continental lower crust. Experiments were carried out on samples of microcrystalline material (grain size of 3-6 μm) and single-crystals. In all these, the transition was observed as a minimum in P-wave velocities, preceded by an important softening, while P-wave velocities measured in the β-quartz field were systematically lower than that predicted by thermodynamic databases. Additional experiments during which acoustic emission (AE) were monitored showed no significant peak of AEs near or at the transition temperature. Microstructural analysis nevertheless revealed the importance of microcracking while Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) imaging on polycrystalline samples revealed a prevalence of Dauphiné twinning in samples that underwent through the transition. Our results suggest that the velocity change due to the transition known at low pressure might be less important at higher pressure, implying a change in the relative compressibilities of α and β quartz. If true, the velocity changes related to the α → β quartz transition at lower crustal conditions might be lower than that expected in thickened continental crust.