We report here a portable and robust home-built atom gravimeter (USTC-AG11) continuously working in a seismic station in Zhaotong, Yunnan for over 5 months. Based on the principle of matter-wave interference, the atom gravimeter is very sensitive to the local gravity and reaches the precision of micro-Gal (1 × 10−8m/s 2 ) level. With the technique of vibrational compensation, the sensitivity of the atom gravimeter reaches 38 µGal/ √ Hz, overall noise level suppressed by 80% compared to no vibration compensation method, and 95% of the vibration noise is effectively suppressed. The design of the atom gravimeter in the electronics and laser optics, especially the laser frequency and phase auto-relock technology, guarantees the long-term continuous running. The long-term precision of the atom gravimeters is better than 2 µGal, which is comparable to the best classical gravimeter FG-5(X). Our work provides a novel application for the high-precision atomic gravimeter based on modern quantum sensing technology in the field of geophysics and geodesy survey