Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance
across biomes
We aim to identify the relative importance of vapour pressure deficit
(VPD), soil water content (SWC) and photosynthetic photon flux density
(PPFD) as drivers of tree canopy conductance, which is a key source of
uncertainty for modelling vegetation responses under climate change. We
use sap flow time series of 1858 trees in 122 sites from the SAPFLUXNET
global database to obtain whole-tree canopy conductance (G). The
coupling, defined as the percentage of variance (R2) of G explained by
the three main hydrometeorological drivers (VPD, SWC and PPFD), was
evaluated using linear mixed models. For each hydrometeorological driver
we assess differences in coupling among biomes, and use multiple linear
regression to explain R2 by climate, soil and vegetation structure. We
found that in most areas tree canopy conductance is better explained by
VPD than by SWC or PPFD. We also found that sites in drylands are less
coupled to all three hydrometeorological drivers than those in other
biomes. Climate, soil and vegetation structure were common controls of
all three hydrometeorological couplings with G, with wetter climates,
fine textured soils and tall vegetation being associated to tighter
coupling. Differences across sites in the hydrometeorological coupling
of tree canopy conductance may affect predictions of ecosystem dynamics
under future climates, and should be accounted for explicitly in models.