Sources of uncertainty in multi-model large ensemble projections of the
winter North Atlantic Oscillation
Projections of the winter North Atlantic circulation exhibit large
spread. Coupled Model Intercomparison Project archives typically provide
only a few ensemble members per model, rendering it difficult to
quantify reducible model structural uncertainty and irreducible internal
variability (IV) in projections. We estimate using the Multi-Model Large
Ensemble Archive that model structural differences explain two-thirds of
the spread in late 21st century (2080-2099) projections of the winter
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). This estimate is biased by systematic
model errors in the forced NAO response and IV. Across the North
Atlantic, the NAO explains a substantial fraction of the spread in mean
sea level pressure (MSLP) projections due to IV, except in the central
North Atlantic. Conversely, the spread in North Atlantic MSLP
projections associated with model differences is largely unexplained by
the NAO. Therefore, improving understanding of the NAO alone may not
constrain the reducible uncertainty in North Atlantic MSLP projections.