We present here a set of tools to curate, analyze, visualize and disseminate datasets, as well as communicate scientific findings, through easy-to-use web interfaces. PRISM uses the IRI Data Library (DL) to aggregate data from climate, agriculture, hydrology, ecology, finance, power outage and space weather domains of science, as well as the datasets resulting from their interdisciplinary research. These datasets vary in their spatial and temporal (and other) representations that the DL allows however to consistently represent in a multi-dimensional data framework. Proper curation facilitates interoperability and dissemination via other tools. We thus use popular python libraries (e.g. xarray, numpy, pandas) to query, manipulate and visualize the data and then build web applications to facilitate their exploration. The content and the interface of those applications, which we call Maprooms, are co-developed with the PRISM scientists in order to design the most relevant way to communicate their results.