Functional Interpretation of the Evolution of Coccolith Morphology in
Deep Time: Peering into the Biology of Coccolithophores
Despite much field and laboratory research, the origin of calcification
in coccolithophores remains indeterminate. While most experiments on
living species are not applicable to extinct taxa, long-term morphologic
changes in lineages under well constrained oceanographic conditions may
help elucidate the primary forcing on coccolithophore evolution if
examined in the context of fundamental requirements (e.g., nutrient
availability) of the living cell. The Order Discoasterales (66–1.92 Ma)
was among the most prolific (>600 species, 16 genera) with
greatest abundance and diversity in warm oligotrophic waters. Their
coccoliths tell a story of morphologic changes that affected also their
constituent elements resulting in lightweight constructions that became
increasingly cavernous as oligotrophy increased in the Paleocene ocean,
leading to increase in surface/volume ratio in keeping with increase in
cell size. This likely constitutes direct evidence that coccoliths were
involved in regulating cell physiology, both by maintaining a sufficient
surface for nutrient absorption when cell volume increases or when
nutrient content in seawater decreases, and by determining sinking
rates. The cavernous nature of coccoliths further suggest mixotrophic
physiology. Calcification may thus have been the innovation permitting
the migration of the ancestral coccolithophore from nutrient-rich
coastal waters to the blue ocean.