Mapping Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: A New Method for Improved Ice
Freeboard Retrieval from Satellite Altimetry
A growing number of studies are concluding that the resilience of the
Arctic sea ice cover in a warming climate is essentially controlled by
its thickness. Satellite radar and laser altimeters have allowed us to
routinely monitor sea ice thickness across most of the Arctic Ocean for
several decades. However, a key uncertainty remaining in the sea ice
thickness retrieval is the error on the sea surface height (SSH) which
is conventionally interpolated at ice floes from a limited number of
lead observations along the altimeter’s orbital track. Here, we use an
objective mapping approach to determine sea surface height from all
proximal lead samples located on the orbital track and from adjacent
tracks within a neighborhood of 10s of kilometers. The patterns of the
SSH signal’s zonal, meridional, and temporal decorrelation length scales
are obtained by analyzing the covariance of historic CryoSat-2 Arctic
lead observations, which match the scales obtained from an equivalent
analysis of high-resolution sea ice-ocean model fields. We use these
length scales to determine an optimal SSH and error estimate for each
sea ice floe location. By exploiting leads from adjacent tracks, we can
increase the SSH precision estimated at orbital crossovers by a factor
of three. In regions of high SSH uncertainty, biases in CryoSat-2 sea
ice freeboard can be reduced by 25% with respect to coincident airborne
validation data. The new method is not restricted to a particular sensor
or mode, so it can be generalized to all present and historic polar
altimetry missions.