Jonathan Wolf

and 5 more

The bottom of Earth’s mantle hosts strong seismic wave speed heterogeneities, such as ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs). ULVZ heterogeneities are commonly detected via forward modeling of seismic waveforms, which can include time-consuming waveform synthesis and visual inspection. Furthermore, ULVZ imaging has been most commonly carried out with waves that have limited global coverage. In this work, we investigate the efficacy of the diffracted S (Sdiff) wavefield, which has global coverage to map CMB heterogeneity. We implement a Kirchhoff migration algorithm to objectively investigate the presence or absence of postcursors to Sdiff due to ULVZ heterogeneity. The Kirchhoff approach is efficient, taking less than one CPU-minute per earthquake (for ~1000 receivers) for our implementation. Our approach makes use of the expected moveout of ULVZ-born Sdiff post cursors as a function of distance from great-circle path at the base of the mantle. We investigate epicentral distances 95°, where Sdiff includes asymptotic S and ScS up to diffraction. We test the algorithm using synthetic waveforms calculated for models that include lowermost mantle wave speed heterogeneity. These results demonstrate that the migration approach can well resolve the location of heterogeneity structures in the azimuthal direction, but is less accurate at constraining the along-great circle path location in the absence of crossing ray paths. Lastly, our real-data examples detect CMB heterogeneity that agrees with past ULVZ work. Our algorithm provides a quantitative assessment of the magnitude of the waveform anomalies and, therefore, how anomalous the structures are that are producing them.

Mingming Li

and 3 more

The dynamics of Earth’s D” layer at the base of the mantle plays an essential role in Earth’s thermal and chemical evolution. Mantle convection in D” is thought to result in seismic anisotropy; therefore, observations of anisotropy may be used to infer lowermost mantle flow. However, the connections between mantle flow and seismic anisotropy in D” remain ambiguous. Here we calculate the present-day mantle flow field in D” using 3D global geodynamic models. We then compute strain, a measure of deformation, outside the two large-low velocity provinces (LLVPs) and compare the distribution of strain with previous observations of anisotropy. We find that, on a global scale, D” material is advected towards the LLVPs. Strain is highest at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) and decreases with height above the CMB. Material outside the LLVPs mostly undergoes lateral stretching, with the stretching direction often, but not always, aligning with mantle flow direction. Strain generally increases towards the LLVPs and reaches a maximum at their edges, although models that consider recrystallization suggest that anisotropy may actually be weaker near LLVP edges. The depth-averaged strain in D” is >1.5 in almost all regions, consistent with widespread observations of seismic anisotropy. The mantle flow field and strain in D” outside of LLVPs are not very sensitive to LLVP density but are strongly controlled by local density and viscosity variations outside the LLVPs. Flow directions inferred from anisotropy observations often (but not always) align with predictions from geodynamic modeling calculations.

Jonathan Wolf

and 3 more

Seismic anisotropy has been detected at many depths of the Earth, including its upper layers, the lowermost mantle, and the inner core. While upper mantle seismic anisotropy is relatively straightforward to resolve, lowermost mantle anisotropy has proven to be more complicated to measure. Due to their long, horizontal raypaths along the core-mantle boundary, S waves diffracted along the core-mantle boundary (Sdiff) are potentially strongly influenced by lowermost mantle anisotropy. Sdiff waves can be recorded over a large epicentral distance range and thus sample the lowermost mantle everywhere around the globe. Sdiff therefore represents a promising phase for studying lowermost mantle anisotropy; however, previous studies have pointed out some difficulties with the interpretation of differential SHdiff-SVdiff travel times in terms of seismic anisotropy. Here, we provide a new, comprehensive assessment of the usability of Sdiff waves to infer lowermost mantle anisotropy. Using both axisymmetric and fully 3D global wavefield simulations, we show that there are cases in which Sdiff can reliably detect and characterize deep mantle anisotropy when measuring traditional splitting parameters (as opposed to differential travel times). First, we analyze isotropic effects on Sdiff polarizations, including the influence of realistic velocity structure (such as 3D velocity heterogeneity and ultra-low velocity zones), the character of the lowermost mantle velocity gradient, mantle attenuation structure, and Earth’s Coriolis force. Second, we evaluate effects of seismic anisotropy in both the upper and the lowermost mantle on SHdiff waves. In particular, we investigate how SHdiff waves are split by seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle near the source and how this anisotropic signature propagates to the receiver for a variety of lowermost mantle models. We demonstrate that, in particular and predictable cases, anisotropy leads to Sdiff splitting that can be clearly distinguished from other waveform effects. These results enable us to lay out a strategy for the analysis of Sdiff splitting due to anisotropy at the base of the mantle, which includes steps to help avoid potential pitfalls, with attention paid to the initial polarization of Sdiff and the influence of source-side anisotropy. We demonstrate our Sdiff splitting method using three earthquakes that occurred beneath the Celebes Sea, measured at many Transportable Array (TA) stations at a suitable epicentral distance. We resolve consistent and well-constrained Sdiff splitting parameters due to lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the northeastern Pacific Ocean.

Jonathan Wolf

and 6 more

Shear-wave splitting measurements are commonly used to resolve seismic anisotropy in both the upper and lowermost mantle. Typically, such techniques are applied to SmKS phases that have reflected (m-1) times off the underside of the core-mantle boundary before being recorded. Practical constraints for shear-wave splitting studies include the limited number of suitable phases as well as the large fraction of available data discarded because of poor signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) or large measurement uncertainties. Array techniques such as beamforming are commonly used in observational seismology to enhance SNRs, but have not been applied before to improve SmKS signal strength and coherency for shear wave splitting studies. Here, we investigate how a beamforming methodology, based on slowness and backazimuth vespagrams to determine the most coherent incoming wave direction, can improve shear-wave splitting measurement confidence intervals. Through the analysis of real and synthetic seismograms, we show that (1) the splitting measurements obtained from the beamformed seismograms (beams) reflect an average of the single-station splitting parameters that contribute to the beam; (2) the beams have (on average) more than twice as large SNRs than the single-station seismograms that contribute to the beam; (3) the increased SNRs allow the reliable measurement of shear wave splitting parameters from beams down to average single-station SNRs of 1.3. Beamforming may thus be helpful to more reliably measure splitting due to upper mantle anisotropy. Moreover, we show that beamforming holds potential to greatly improve detection of lowermost mantle anisotropy by demonstrating differential SKS-SKKS splitting analysis using beamformed USArray data.