Is low-temperature fission-track annealing in apatite a thermally
controlled process?
We report a new series of experiments to explore the phenomenon of
low-temperature annealing of fission tracks in apatite that feature a
number of improvements over previous work. Grain mounts were
pre-irradiated Cf to increase confined track detection and allow briefer
thermal neutron irradiation. We co-irradiated and etched four apatite
varieties (Durango, Fish Canyon, Renfrew, Tioga) over five time steps
equally spaced from 3.66 to 15 ln(s). A length standard was co-etched
with all experiments to ensure that subtle differences are within
detection limits. Finally, we used a standard etching protocol, allowing
the data to be co-modeled with extensive high-temperature data sets and
recent analyses of induced tracks that underwent ambient-temperature
annealing over year-to-decade time scales. Ambient-temperature annealing
occurs at two different rates, with faster annealing at early stages
that decreases to a slower rate that converges with empirical fanning
linear or curvilinear models. The nature of this decrease varies among
the apatite species examined, but no patterns could be determined. The
fitted models make geological time-scale predictions consistent with
those based on high-temperature data only, and also make predictions
consistent with reasonable inferred low-temperature histories for all
four apatite varieties. The empirical fanning curvilinear equation
encompasses low-temperature annealing at month-to-decade time scales,
but low-temperature annealing at shorter time scales may occur by a
distinct mechanism. We consider but rule out annealing by radiation from
short-lived activated isotopes. We also reconsider the notion of the
initial track length, and the appropriate length for normalizing
confined track length measurements.