Ademola Q Adetunji

and 6 more

A new 80-site magnetotelluric (MT) survey, integrated with reprocessed seismic reflection profiles, across the supergiant Timmins-Porcupine gold camp of the Abitibi greenstone belt (AGB) was conducted to investigate the architecture of crustal-scale structures. Resistivity sections derived from 3-D MT inversions reveal a major 40 km by 20 km sub-horizontal 500-1000 S conductor north of the Porcupine Destor fault zone at 5–10 km depth. A horizontal component of this conductor, attributed to a deeply buried >2687 Ma graphitic argillaceous unit at the base of Porcupine assemblage, strikes east-west parallel to the Pipestone fault zone. A second steeply-dipping component strikes northwest-southeast parallel to the Buskegau River fault. This conductor correlates spatially with lateral breaks in seismic reflectors and velocity models in the upper, middle, and lower crust, and provides evidence of a crustal-scale suture which also resulted in imbrication of <2698 Ma metasedimentary rocks onto the southern AGB. Enhanced conductivity and spatially complex electrical structure of the crust to the north of the Porcupine Destor fault zone reflects the asymmetric distribution of metasedimentary packages, second- and third-order bounding structures, and gold mineralization. The MT resistivity models also resolve an upper crustal conductor located 10 km south of the surface trace of the Porcupine Destor fault zone, providing support for a south-dipping crustal fault. Breaks in seismic reflectors underlying this conductor provide additional evidence of sub-vertical structures extending through the middle crust, postdating post-tectonic collapse or orogen-parallel ductile flow at ∼2660-2590 Ma, and consistent with late strike-slip deformation.

Mostafa Naghizadeh

and 10 more

Passive seismic methods are considered as cost-effective and environmental-friendly alternatives to active (reflection) seismic methods. We have acquired co-located active and passive seismic surveys over a metal-endowed Archean granite-greenstone terrane in the Larder Lake area to investigate the reliability of the estimated elastic properties using the passive seismic methods. The passive seismic data was processed using two different data processing approaches, the ambient noise surface wave tomography (ANSWT) and receiver function analysis methods to generate shear-wave velocity and P- to S-wave (P-S) convertibility profiles of the subsurface, respectively. The Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault (CLLF) was imaged as a south-dipping sub-vertical zone of weak reflectivity in the reflection seismic profile. To the north of the CLLF, a package of north-dipping reflections in the upper-crust (at depths of 5-10 km) resides on the boundary of high (on the top) and low (on the bottom) shear-wave velocity zones estimated using the ANSWT method. This package of reflections is most likely caused by overlaying mafic volcanic and underlying felsic intrusive rocks. The P-S convertibility profile imaged the Moho boundary at ~40 km depth as well as a south-dipping slab that penetrates into the mantel which was interpreted to be either caused by the delamination of the lower crust or a possible deeper extension of the Porcupine-Destor Fault. Overall, the reflectivity, shear-wave velocity, and P-S convertibility profiles exhibited a good correlation and provided a detailed image of the subsurface lithological structure to a depth of 10 km.