A sampling-based path planning algorithm for improving observations in
tropical cyclones
Lack of high-resolution observations at the inner-core region of
tropical cyclones introduces uncertainty into the structure’s true
initial state. More accurate measurements at the inner-core are
essential for accurate tropical cyclone forecasts. This study seeks to
improve the estimates of the inner-core structure by utilizing
background information from prior assimilated conventional
observations. We provide a scheme for targeted high-resolution
observations for platforms such as the Coyote sUAS. In an effort to
identify potential locations of high uncertainty, an exploratory
investigation of the background information of the state
variables pressure, temperature, wind speed, and a combined
representation of the state variables given by their linear weighted
average is presented. A sampling-based path planning algorithm that
considers the Coyote’s energy usage then locates the regions of high
uncertainties along a Coyote’s flight, allowing us to maximize the
removal of uncertainties. The results of a data assimilation analysis of
a typical Coyote flight mission using the proposed deployment scheme
shows significant improvements in estimates of the tropical cyclone
structure after the resolution of uncertainties at targeted locations.