Shock remanent magnetization intensity and stability structures of
single-domain titanomagnetite-bearing basalt sample
Knowledge of the shock remanent magnetization (SRM) structure is crucial
to interpret the spatial changes in magnetic anomalies observed over the
impact crater. This study reports the SRM intensity and stability
structures of single-domain titanomagnetite-bearing basalt based on the
SRM acquisition experiments, remanence measurements for divided
subsamples, and impact simulations. The SRM properties systematically
change with increasing pressure, and three distinctive aspects are
recognized at different pressure ranges: (1) constant intensity below
0.1 GPa, (2) linear trend as intensity is proportional to pressure up to
1.1 GPa, and (3) constant intensity and increasing stability above 1.9
GPa. The SRM intensity and stability structures suggest that the crustal
rocks containing the single-domain titanomagnetite originally had an SRM
intensity structure according to the distance from the impact point,
which changed depending on the remanence stability after the impact.