TROPOMI-derived NO2 emissions from copper/cobalt mining and other
industrial activities in the Copperbelt (DRC and Zambia)
We have analyzed TROPOMI data over the Copperbelt mining region
(Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia). Despite high background
values, we find that annual 2019-2022 means of TROPOMI NO2 show local
enhancements consistent with six point sources (mines and cities) where
high-emission industrial activities take place. We have quantified
annual NO2 emissions for the six sources, identified temporal trends in
these emissions, and found strong correlations with mine/refinery
production data. CAMS-GLOB-ANT v5 inventory emissions are lower than
TROPOMI-derived emissions by 61-96 % and lack the temporal trends
observed in TROPOMI and mine/oil refinery production. Lack of TROPOMI
SO2 enhancements over the point sources analyzed indicates SO2 capture
and transformation into sulfuric acid, a profitable byproduct. These
results demonstrate the potential for satellite monitoring of mining/oil
refining activity which impacts the air quality of local communities.
This is particularly important for Africa, where mining is increasing