Implementation of improved parameterization of terrestrial flux in
WRF-VPRM improves the simulation of nighttime CO2 peaks and a daytime
CO2 band ahead of a cold front
Enhanced CO2 mole fraction bands were often observed immediately ahead
of cold front during the Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT)-America
mission and their formation mechanism is undetermined. Improved
understanding and correct simulation of these CO2 bands are needed for
unbiased inverse CO2 flux estimation. Such CO2 bands are hypothesized to
be related to nighttime CO2 respiration and investigated in this study
using WRF-VPRM, a weather-biosphere-online-coupled model, in which the
biogenic fluxes are handled by the Vegetation Photosynthesis and
Respiration Model (VPRM). While the default VPRM satisfactorily
parameterizes gross ecosystem exchange, its treatment of terrestrial
respiration as a linear function of temperature was inadequate as
respiration is a nonlinear function of temperature and also depends on
the amount of biomass and soil wetness. An improved ecosystem
respiration parameterization including enhanced vegetation index, a
water stress factor, and a quadratic temperature dependence is
incorporated into WRF-VPRM and evaluated in a year-long simulation
before applied to the investigation of the frontal CO2 band on 4 August
2016. The evaluation shows that the modified WRF-VPRM increases
ecosystem respiration during the growing season, and improves model
skill in reproducing nighttime near-surface CO2 peaks. A nested-domain
WRF-VPRM simulation is able to capture the main characteristics of the 4
August CO2 band and informs its formation mechanism. Nighttime
terrestrial respiration leads to accumulation of near-surface CO2 in the
region. As the cold front carrying low-CO2 air moves southeastward, and
strong photosynthesis depletes CO2 further southeast of the front, a CO2
band develops immediately ahead of the front.