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Harlan Paul Johnson

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Key Points: • Extensive methane bubble plumes have been discovered on the Puget Sound seafloor. • The emission sites of these plumes are associated with major fault zones that penetrate the Cascadia forearc. • Dissolved methane arising from the plumes is mixed throughout the estuary by tides and local mixing. Abstract Methane gas plumes have been discovered to issue from the seafloor in the Puget Sound estuary. These gas emission sites are co-located over traces of three major fault zones that fracture the entire forearc crust of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Multibeam and single-beam sonar data from cruises conducted in 2011, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 identified the acoustic signature of over 330 individual bubble plumes. Dissolved gas from the plumes combines to elevate seawater methane concentrations of the entire Puget Sound estuary. Fluid samples from adjacent terrestrial hot springs and deep-water wells surrounding the estuary contain a helium-3 isotope signature, indicating a deep fluid source located near the underlying Cascadia Subduction Zone plate interface. However, limited data from this pilot study suggest that Puget Sound seawater emission sites lack either similar chemical isotope signatures or elevated thermal anomalies expected from association with a deep plate-interface reservoir. The existence of vigorous marine methane plumes arising from areas of thin sediment cover associated with deeply-penetrating forearc fault zones but presenting no thermal or chemical anomalies found in other similar forearc environments, remains an unresolved paradox. Plain Language Summary Puget Sound is a large inland sea located in western Washington State where seawater circulation is dominated by vigorous tidal forcing from the North Pacific Ocean. The deep Puget Sound is the largest estuary in North America measured by contained water volume and the second largest estuary in terms of area after Chesapeake Bay. Shipboard sonar images have revealed approximately 330 bubble plumes of methane gas and fluid rising from the seafloor of the estuary. Large clusters of bubble plume sites are concentrated over the major regional fault zones that penetrate the western North American plate beneath Puget Sound, including the South Whidbey Island Fault, the Seattle Fault and the Tacoma Fault Zones. Although the forearc Basin is surrounded by terrestrial hot springs and water wells that show a clear chemical signature of fluid arising from the underlying Cascadia Subduction Zone plate interface, based on our limited sampling there is currently no evidence for similar chemical or temperature anomalies in the Puget Sound plumes and the source of the methane bubble plumes is still unidentified.

Sharon Walker

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The considerable challenges of accessing unpredictable events at remote seafloor locations make submarine eruptions difficult to study in real time. The serendipitous discovery of two persistently active sites (NW Rota-1 in the Mariana arc, at ~550 m, and West Mata in the NE Lau basin at ~1200 m) resulted in multi-year, multi-parameter studies that included water column plume surveys and direct (ROV) observations. Intense magmatic-hydrothermal plumes rose buoyantly above both sites, while deep particle plume layers, dominated by fine ash and devoid of hydrothermal tracers, were found dispersing laterally on isopycnal surfaces at variable depths below the eruptive vents and above the seafloor. The presence or absence of deep ash plumes was directly correlated with explosive activity or quiescence, respectively. An estimated 0.4-14.6 x 105 m3/yr of fine ash entered the water column surrounding these volcanoes and remained suspended at distances exceeding 10’s of km. We show that deep ash plume layers in the water column are a common feature of explosive submarine eruptions at other sites as well, and that they demonstrate a syn-eruptive mode of transport for fine ash that will result in deposition as “hidden” cryptotephra or fallout deposits in marine sediments at distances greater than previously predicted. Cruise FK171110 extended the time series of observations at West Mata, and resulted in discovery of new lava flows emplaced after September 2012, with one constrained between March 2016 and November 2017. ROV dives confirmed that West Mata was quiescent during this expedition, but widespread deep ash plumes were present. Turbidity in the deep ash plumes decreased by 80% over a 25-day period, with an average loss of 3% (0.15-0.6 g/m2) per day, suggesting the eruption that formed the 2016-2017 eruptive deposits had occurred within 8-121 days prior to the FK171110 expedition. Future studies of submarine volcanic processes will depend on improved exploration and event detection capabilities. In addition to recognizing the characteristic hydrothermal event plumes rising into the water column above actively erupting sites, widespread ash plumes dispersing at depths deeper than eruptive vents can also be diagnostic of ongoing, or very recent, eruptions. We infer the eruptive status at other sites based on these criteria.