Joy Hill

and 4 more

The United States (U.S.) West Coast power system is strongly influenced by variability and extremes in air temperatures (which drive electricity demand) and streamflows (which control hydropower availability). As hydroclimate changes across the West Coast, a combination of forces may work in tandem to make its bulk power system more vulnerable to physical reliability issues and market price shocks. In particular, a warmer climate is expected to increase summer cooling (electricity) demands and shift the average timing of peak streamflow (hydropower production) away from summer to the spring and winter, depriving power systems of hydropower when it is needed the most. Here, we investigate how climate change could alter interregional electricity market dynamics on the West Coast, including the potential for hydroclimatic changes in one region (e.g. Pacific Northwest (PNW)) to “spill over” and cause price and reliability risks in another (e.g. California). We find that the most salient hydroclimatic risks for the PNW power system are changes in streamflow, while risks for the California system are driven primarily by changes in summer air temperatures especially extreme heat events that increase peak system demand. Altered timing and amounts of hydropower production in the PNW do alter summer power deliveries into California but show relatively modest potential to impact prices and reliability there. Instead, our results suggest future extreme heat in California could exert a stronger influence on prices and reliability in the PNW, especially if California continues to rely on the PNW for imported power to meet late summer demands.

Stephen Drake

and 5 more

Mountain breezes including katabatic and anabatic flows and temperature inversions are common features of forested mountain landscapes. However, the effects of mountain breezes on moisture transport in forests and implications for regional climate change are not well understood. A detailed instrumental study conducted from July to September 2012 in an even-aged conifer forest in the Oregon Cascade Range was investigated to determine how temperature profiles within the forest canopy influenced atmospheric surface layer processes that ventilate the forest. Within-canopy inversion strength has a bi-modal relationship to sub-canopy wind speed and resulting moisture flux from the forest. On days with relatively modest heating of the top of the canopy and weak within-canopy inversions, above canopy winds more efficiently mix subcanopy air, leading to greater than average vertical moisture flux and weaker than average along-slope, sub-canopy water vapor advection. On days with strong heating of the top of the canopy and a strong within-canopy inversion, vertical moisture flux is suppressed, and daytime downslope winds are stronger than average under the canopy. Increased downslope winds lead to increased downslope transport of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other scalars under the canopy. Increasing summer vapor pressure deficit in the Pacific Northwest will enhance both processes: vertical moisture transport by mountain breezes when within-canopy inversions are weak, and downslope water vapor transport when within-canopy inversions are strong. These mountain breeze dynamics have implications for climate refugia in forested mountains, forest plantations, and other forested regions with similar canopy structure and regional atmospheric forcings.