Meridional eddy transport across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is an essential component of the global meridional overturning circulation and the transport of climate relevant tracers. Challenges in comparing model and observational estimates of the transport arise from varying methodologies describing ‘eddy’ processes. We reconcile the approach used in shipboard surveys of eddies, complemented by satellite eddy tracking, with Reynolds decomposition applied to model outputs. This allows us to estimate the fraction of total meridional tracer transport attributed to coherent eddies in a global 0.1$^\circ$ ocean model. The model realistically simulates observed eddy kinetic energy and three-dimensional characteristics, particularly in representing an observed cyclonic eddy near 150 \degrees E, a hotspot for poleward heat flux. Annual meridional transports due to coherent eddies crossing the Subantarctic Front are estimated by vertically and radially integrating the tracer contents of all eddies. Notably, only cyclonic eddies moving equatorward across the Subantarctic Front contribute to the coherent eddy transport, with no anticyclonic eddies found to cross the front poleward in this region. Applying Reynolds decomposition, our study reveals predominantly poleward meridional transports due to all transient processes in a standing meander, particularly between the northern and southern branches of the Subantarctic Front. Coherent, long-lived eddies tracked from satellite data contribute less than 20\% to transient poleward heat transport, and equatorward nitrate transport in the model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the integrated surface elevation of mesoscale eddies serves as a reliable proxy for inferring subsurface eddy content.

Kaihe Yamazaki

and 5 more

The advent of under-ice profiling float and biologging techniques has enabled year-round observation of the Southern Ocean and its Antarctic margin. These under-ice data are often overlooked in widely used oceanographic datasets, despite their importance in understanding seasonality and its role in sea ice changes, water mass formation, and glacial melt. We develop a monthly climatology of the Southern Ocean (south of 40°S and above 2,000 m) using Data Interpolating Variational Analysis, which excels in multi-dimensional interpolation and consistent handling of topography and horizontal advection. The climatology successfully captures thermohaline variability under sea ice, previously hard to obtain, and outperforms other observation-based products and state estimate simulations in data fidelity, with smaller root-mean-square errors and biases. To demonstrate its multi-purpose capability, we present a qualitative description of the seasonal variation, including 1) the surface mixed layer, 2) the water mass volume census, 3) the Antarctic Slope Front, and 4) shelf bottom waters. Particularly, the circumpolar variation in the extent of dense shelf water and the annual volume overturning rate of water masses are revealed for the first time. The present work offers a new monthly climatology of the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic margin, which will be instrumental in investigating the seasonality and improving ocean models, thereby making valuable winter observations more accessible. We further highlight the quantitative significance of under-ice data in reproducing ocean conditions, advocating for their increased use to achieve a better Southern Ocean observing system.

Maxime Marin

and 3 more

Long-term temperature changes drive coastal Marine Heat Waves (MHW) trends globally. Here, we provide a more comprehensive global analysis of cross-shore gradients of MHW and SST changes using an ensemble of three satellite SST products during recent decades. Our analysis reveals depressed onshore SST trends in more than 2/3 of coastal pixels, including both eastern and western boundary current systems. These were well correlated with depressed trends of MHW exposure and severity, ranging from a -2 to -10 decrease in MHW days per decade and a –2.5 to –15°C.days per decade decrease in cumulative intensity. Results were consistent across all satellite products, indicating that these cross-shore gradients are a robust feature of observations. ERA reanalysis data shows that neither air-sea heat fluxes nor wind driven upwelling were found to be consistent drivers. Global ocean circulation models (OFAM3 and ACCESS-OM2) have limited ability to simulate the depressed onshore trends. A heat budget analysis performed in the Chilean coast region, where models agree with observations, showed that the gradient of temperature change was controlled by an onshore increase of longwave radiative cooling, despite an increase in upwelling. This highlights the complexity of small-scale coastal ocean-atmosphere feedbacks, which coarser resolution climate models do not resolve. Here, we show that global coastal regions may act as thermal refugia for marine ecosystems from aspects of climate change and pulsative (MHW) changes. Contrary to the literature, our results suggest that driving mechanisms are region dependant, stressing the necessity to improve climate models resolution.