Shujie Gu

and 1 more

Magnetosonic waves are electromagnetic emissions from a few to 100 Hz primarily confined near the magnetic equator both inside and outside the plasmasphere. Previous studies proved that MS waves can transport equatorially mirroring electrons from an equatorial pitch angle of 90$^\circ$ down to lower values by bounce resonance. But the dependence of bounce resonance effect on wave or background plasma parameters is still unclear. Here we applied a test particle simulation to investigate electron transport coefficients, including diffusion and advection coefficients in energy and pitch angle, due to bounce resonance with MS waves. We investigate five wave field parameters, including wave frequency width, wave center frequency, latitudinal distribution width, wave normal angle and root-mean-square of wave magnetic amplitude, and two background parameters, $L$-shell value and plasma density. We find different transport coefficients peaks resulted by different bounce resonance harmonics. Higher order harmonic resonances exist, but the effect of fundamental resonance is much stronger. As the wave center frequency increases, higher order harmonics start to dominate. With wave frequency width increasing, the energy range of effective bounce resonance broadens, but the effect itself weakens. The bounce resonance effect will increase when we decrease the wave normal angle, or increase the wave amplitude, latitudinal distribution width, L-shell value, and plasma density. The parametric study will advance our understanding of the favorable conditions of bounce resonance.

Jiabei He

and 2 more

Lower-band chorus waves are known to play dual roles in radiation belt dynamics (electron acceleration and precipitation), and understanding their properties and excitation is very important. A systematic study of chorus waves properties in terms of background plasma parameters (electron perpendicular beta β⊥ and the ratio of plasma frequency to electron cyclotron frequency fpe /fce) has not been performed previously. We use burst mode data from Van Allen Probe A from 2014 to 2017 and develop an algorithm to extract individual lower band rising tone chorus elements. We statistically analyze four properties of rising tone chorus elements: time duration τ , frequency width ∆f , chirping rate Γ, and maximum intensity Ia. Statistical results show typical properties of chorus waves: Ia ∼ 0.09 nT, ∆f ∼0.08fce , Γ ∼2 × 103 Hz/s, τ ∼ 0.015 − 0.25 s. On the nightside and dawnside, Γ shows wider spread and is more distributed over larger values, which is associated with the wider distribution of β⊥. Chorus waves at duskside and dayside have larger values of τ , associated with smaller β⊥ and larger fpe /fce. The dependence of chorus wave properties on background plasma parameters is also examined. We show that normalized ∆f has positive correlation with β⊥ and fpe /fce. Normalized τ shows negative correlation with β⊥ and positive correlation with fpe /fce , respectively. Normalized Γ shows positive correlation with β⊥ and negative correlation with fpe /fce. These results help us better understand chorus waves excitation and their relation to the microburst.