March 25, 2024
Matrix corrected SIMS in-situ oxygen isotope analyses of marine shell aragonite for h...
Oliver M. Medd, Laura M. Otter, Ian S Williams, et al.
June 14, 2023
Controls on Polar Southern Ocean Deep Chlorophyll Maxima: Viewpoints from Multiple Ob...
Philip W Boyd, David Antoine, Kimberlee Baldry, et al.
February 04, 2024
The Role of Acantharia in Southern Ocean Strontium Cycling and Carbon Export: Insight...
Yaojia Sun, Cathryn Wynn-Edwards, Thomas W. Trull, et al.
May 31, 2022
Seasonality of phytoplankton growth limitation by iron and manganese in subantarctic...
Pauline Latour, Robert F. Strzepek, Kathrin Wuttig, et al.
December 10, 2021
Response of Subantarctic microbes to new versus regenerated Fe in a cold-core eddy
Marion Fourquez, Robert Strzepek, Michael J Ellwood, et al.
April 19, 2021
Release from biogenic particles, benthic fluxes, and deep water circulation control C...
David J Janssen, Jörg Rickli, April N Abbott, et al.