Bo Yang

and 5 more

Ambient Noise Imaging (ANI) of subsurface structures relies on seismic interferometry of diffuse seismic wavefields. However, the lack of effective methods to quantify and identify highly diffuse waves hampers applications of ANI, particularly in evaluating seismic attenuation and monitoring structural changes with high temporal resolution. Conventional ANI approaches require data normalization, which effectively suppresses the non-diffuse component with large amplitude but also results in significant loss of amplitude and phase information in the continuous seismic records. In this study, we propose a frequency domain method to quantitatively evaluate the degree of diffuseness of seismic wavefields by analyzing their statistical characteristics of modal amplitudes for stationarity and randomness. Tests on synthetic waveform and field nodal records show that the proposed method can effectively distinguish between diffuse and non-diffuse waveforms for either single- or three-component data. As an application, we identify a 60-second-long diffuse coda of a local M 2.2 earthquake recorded by a dense nodal array on the San Jacinto Fault Zone, and successfully extract high-quality dispersion curve and Q-value without performing data normalization. These results are consistent with those obtained by conventional methods that assess the correlation between coherency and the Green's function, and by modeling ballistic waves generated by road traffic. Our proposed method can advance the imaging of subsurface velocity and attenuation structures as well as monitoring temporal changes for scientific studies and engineering applications.

Jessica McBeck

and 3 more

Jessica McBeck

and 2 more

We quantify the evolving spatial distribution of fracture networks throughout six in situ X-ray tomography triaxial compression experiments on monzonite and granite at confining stresses of 5-35 MPa. We first assess whether one dominant fracture continually grows at the expense of others by tracking the proportion of the maximum fracture volume to the total fracture volume. This metric does not increase monotonically. We next examine if the set of the largest fractures continually dominates deformation by tracking the proportion of the cumulative volume of fractures with volumes >90th percentile to the total fracture volume. This metric indicates that the fracture networks tend to increase in localization toward the largest set of fractures for up to 80% of the experimental time (differential stress), consistent with observations from southern California of localizing and delocalizing seismicity. Experiments with higher confining stress tend to have greater localization. To further assess the fracture networks localization, we compare the geometry of the set of the largest fractures to a plane. We find the best fit plane through the fractures with volumes >90th percentile immediately preceding failure, and calculate the distance between these fractures and the plane, and the r2 score of the fractures and the plane throughout each experiment. The r2 scores and the distance indicate greater localization in the monzonite experiments than in the granite experiments. The smaller mean grain size of the minerals in the granite may produce more sites of fracture nucleation and termination, leading to more delocalized fracture networks that deviate further from a plane. The higher applied confining stress in the monzonite experiments (25-35 MPa) relative to the granite experiments (5-10 MPa) may also contribute to the more localized fracture networks in the monzonite experiments. The evolution of the clustering the fractures toward the plane and the Gini coefficient, which measures the deviation of a population from uniformity, closely match each other. Tracking these metrics of localization also reveals that macroscopic yielding appears to occur when the rate of fracture network localization increases.

Vera Schulte-Pelkum

and 3 more

Plate motions in Southern California have undergone a transition from compressional and extensional regimes to a dominantly strike-slip regime in the Miocene. Strike-slip motion is most easily accommodated on vertical faults, and major transform fault strands in the region are typically mapped as near-vertical on the surface. However, some previous work suggests these faults have a dipping or listric geometry at depth. We analyze receiver function arrivals that vary harmonically with backazimuth at all available broadband stations in the region. The results show a dominant signal from contrasts in dipping foliation as well as dipping isotropic contrasts from all crustal depths, including from the ductile middle to lower crust. We interpret these receiver function observations as a dipping fault-parallel structural fabric that is pervasive throughout the region. The strike of these structures and fabrics is parallel to that of nearby fault surface traces. We also plot microseismicity on depth profiles perpendicular to major strike-slip faults and find consistently NE-dipping lineations in seismicity shallowing in dip from near vertical (80-85) on the Elsinore Fault near the coastal ranges to 60-65 slightly further inland on the San Jacinto Fault to 50-55 on the San Andreas Fault. Taken together, the dipping features in seismicity and in rock fabric suggest that preexisting fabrics and faults likely act as strain guides in the modern slip regime, with reactivation-like mechanisms operating both above and below the brittle-ductile transition.

Claire Aupart

and 4 more

Sustained serpentinization of peridotite within the oceanic lithosphere requires effective supply of water to systems that experience continuous expansion of the solid volume. Hence, serpentinization preferentially occurs along ridge axes and in subduction zones where tectonic activity is intense and fracturing helps generating and sustaining the permeability required to connect seafloor-near environments to depth. The slowest mid-oceanic ridges produce little melt leading to discontinuous magmatic activity with very thin to no crust along most of the ridge length and up to 8 km thick crust focused around local magmatic centers. Three types of ultra-slow ridge sections can be distinguished: i) amagmatic, characterized by scarce basaltic crust and deep seismic activity, ii) magmatic, characterized by a thin basaltic crust and intermediate depth seismic activity, and iii) volcanic, characterized by a thick basaltic crust and shallow seismic activity. At amagmatic and magmatic ridge types, aseismic zones are identified above the seismic zone. The lower limit of the aseismic zone along amagmatic sections is thermally controlled and follows a 400-500˚C isotherm corresponding to the upper temperature limit for the onset of serpentinization. This observation suggests that the aseismic zone is significantly serpentinized with ample supply of water to the peridotite-serpentine interface. Based on recorded seismic activity, we estimate the associated rock volume affected by brittle damage for the different ultra-slow ridge types. We show that damage produced by seismic activity sustains pervasive serpentinization along amagmatic and magmatic types, while it is limited in the case of volcanic sections.
We examine stress parameters in Southern California with a focus on the region near the South Central Transverse Ranges (SCTR), using a refined stress inversion methodology to 1981-2017 declustered and aftershocks focal mechanisms independently. Comparison between the associated stress parameters provides information on the local dominant loading. The estimated stress parameters are examined in relation to the regional stress regime and local loadings. Over the regional scale, the Strends towards the NNE and the stress ratios vary from transtensional stress regime near the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ), to shear stress near the SCTR, and towards transpression near the Western Transverse Ranges. Detailed analysis of stress parameters near the SCTR indicates deviations from the regional shear stress. The San Bernardino Mountain area shows S direction towards NNW and transpressional stress components likely associated with the relative motion of the San Andreas Fault and ECSZ. The Cajon Pass and San Gorgonio Pass show transpressional stress regime near the bottom of the seismogenic zones likely associated with the elevated topography. In Crafton Hills, rotation of the principal stress plunges and S direction and transtensional stress regime below ~10 km, along with lower estimated apparent friction coefficient suggest a weak fault possibly associated with deep creep. The results reveal effects of local loadings resolved by the performed multi-scale analysis. The study does not show significant temporal variations of stress variations near the SCTR from the average stress parameters in the analyzed 37 years.