Neutral tropical African CO2 exchange estimated from aircraft and
satellite observations
Tropical lands play an important role in the global carbon cycle yet
their contribution remains uncertain owing to sparse observations.
Satellite observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) have
greatly increased spatial coverage over tropical regions, providing
the potential for improved estimates of terrestrial fluxes. Despite
this advancement, the spread among satellite-based and in-situ
atmospheric CO2 flux inversions over northern tropical Africa
(NTA), spanning 0-24◦N, remains large. Satellite-based estimates of
an annual source of 0.8-1.45 PgC yr−1 challenge our
understanding of tropical and global carbon cycling. Here, we
compare posterior mole fractions from the suite of inversions
participating in the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) Version 10
Model Intercomparison Project (v10 MIP) with independent in-situ
airborne observations made over the tropical Atlantic Ocean by the
NASA Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) mission during four seasons. We
develop emergent constraints on tropical African CO2 fluxes using
flux-concentration relationships defined by the model suite. We find
an annual flux of 0.14 ± 0.39 PgC yr−1 (mean and standard
deviation) for NTA, 2016-2018. The satellite-based flux bias suggests
a potential positive concentration bias in OCO-2 B10 and earlier
version retrievals over land in NTA during the dry season.
Nevertheless, the OCO-2 observations provide improved flux estimates
relative to the in situ observing network at other times of year,
indicating stronger uptake in NTA during the wet season than the in-situ
inversion estimates.