August 27, 2024
Global compression of the plasma sheet and magnetotail during intense storms from THE...
Soboh Wajih Al Qeeq, Dominique Fontaine, Olivier Le Contel, et al.
March 22, 2021
On the effects of the Solar Wind Alfvénic Mach number on the Bow-Shock dynamics
Emanuele Cazzola, Dominique Fontaine, Philippe Savoini, et al.
July 13, 2021
Massive multi-mission statistical study and analytical modeling of the Earth’s magnet...
Gautier Nguyen, Nicolas Aunai, Bayane Michotte de Welle, et al.
April 01, 2022
Collision of collisionless shocks – Part I: Hybrid PIC simulation \& acceleration...
Clément Moissard, Philippe Savoini, Dominique Fontaine, et al.
July 16, 2021
Massive multi-mission statistical study and analytical modeling of the Earth’s magnet...
Gautier Nguyen, Nicolas Aunai, Bayane Michotte de Welle, et al.
July 16, 2021
Massive multi-missions statistical study and analytical modeling of the Earth magneto...
Gautier Nguyen, Nicolas Aunai, Bayane Michotte de Welle, et al.
July 16, 2021
Massive multi-mission statistical study and analytical modeling of the Earth’s magnet...
Gautier Nguyen, Nicolas Aunai, Bayane Michotte de Welle, et al.