Massive multi-mission statistical study and analytical modeling of the
Earth’s magnetopause: 4- On the near-cusp magnetopause indentation
- Gautier Nguyen,
- Nicolas Aunai,
- Bayane Michotte de Welle,
- Alexis Jeandet,
- Benoit Lavraud,
- Dominique Fontaine
Benoit Lavraud
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie - CNRS
Author ProfileDominique Fontaine
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP/CNRS), Paris, France
Author ProfileAbstract
The shape and location of the magnetopause current sheet in the
near-cusp region is still a debated question. Over time, several
observations led to contradictory conclusions regarding the presence of
an indentation of the magnetopause in that region. As a result several
empirical models consider the surface is indented in that region, while
some others do not. To tackle this issue, we fit a total of 17 230
magnetopause crossings to various indented and non-indented analytical
models. The results show that while all models describe the magnetopause
position and shape equivalently far from the cusp region, the
non-indented version over-estimate the radial position of the near-cusp
magnetopause. Among indented models, we show that the one designed from
MHD simulations fits well the near-cusp magnetopause location, while the
other underestimate its position probably because their design was
possibly based on magnetopause crossing catalogues that contain cusp
inner boundary crossings.Jan 2022Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics volume 127 issue 1. 10.1029/2021JA029776