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Making The Invisible Visible: How an artist can translate/transform scientific data into a comprehensible visual language
  • Diane Burko
Diane Burko
Community College of Philadelphia

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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While Artistic techniques may help scientists visualize data and communicate results to their colleagues, I believe the Arts can play a more significant role in communicating scientific information to the general public. Modes of presentation of information determine the impact of reception. Data on a page or screen is received cerebrally. Psychologists posit that concepts received emotionally can have a more lasting, deeper impact on an audience. That is what the arts (film, dance, drama, painting) can achieve. My paper will demonstrate through a particular project that concept. It will involve the presentation of a recent 56 foot long piece I’ve completed called “THE WORLD MAP SERIES” : https://www.dianeburko.com/new-page-1m which speaks to the impact of Climate Change on glaciers and coral reefs. This 10-part series represents my bearing witness to melting ice and coral bleaching, as well as exchanges with glaciologists and marine biologists over the past few years. It will also serve as an example of the artistic process.