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Oliver Branch

and 11 more

In this study, we discuss a new mountain peak observatory in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Using coordinated scan patterns, a Doppler lidar and cloud radar were employed to study seedable convective clouds, and identify pre-convection initiation (CI) clear-air signatures. The instruments were employed for approximately two years in an extreme environment with a high vantage point for observing valley wind flows and convective cells. The instruments were configured to run synchronized polar (PPI) scans at 0°, 5°, and 45° elevation angles and vertical cross-section (RHI) scans at 0°, 30°, 60, 90°, 120°, and 150° azimuth angles. Using this output imagery, along with local C-band radar and satellite data, we were able to identify and analyze several convective cases. To illustrate our results, we selected two cases in unstable conditions - the 5 and 6 September 2018. In both cases, we observed areas of convergence/divergence, particularly associated with wind flow around a peak 2 km to the south-west. The extension of these deformations were visible in the atmosphere as high as 3 km above sea level. Subsequently, we observed convective cells developing in the same directions – apparently connected with these phenomena. The cloud radar images provided detailed observations of cloud structure, evolution, and precipitation. In both convective cases, pre-convective signatures were apparent before CI, in the form of convergence, wind shear structures, and updrafts. These results demonstrate the value of synergetic observations for understanding convection initiation, improvement of forecast models, and cloud seeding guidance.