Tao Zhang

and 1 more

There are lingering issues concerning gas permeability measurements at nano-darcy levels for low-permeability media. This is due to the lack of both well-documented mathematical solutions for interpreting gas flow data in granular samples, as well as standardized experimental methodologies needed to provide reproducible results. In this work, the mathematical solutions by Cui et al. (2009) have been upgraded into a detailed gas permeability technique (GPT), which provides a re-derivation of three mathematical solutions (one not presented previously), essential laboratory methodologies, and data processing procedures, in the form of a pulse decay method for matrix permeability measurements of tight granular media. Mathematically, this work provides the 1) evaluation of the applicable conditions and error analyses for these three solutions; 2) investigation and recommendations for the GPT, both mathematical solutions and experimental procedures; and 3) examination of the flow state of probing gases using the gas kinetic theory. Experimentally, this work documents that 1) proper values of (gas storage capacity) and (dimensionless time) need to be considered; 2) a stable temperature and unitary gas condition (e.g., helium) are critical to maintain. The results show that a wide range of flow regimes, from laminar flow to Fickian diffusion after slippage correction, can be studied to derive the transport coefficient using the GPT technique, which is a rapid, sensitive, and reproducible method for the measurement of sub-nano-darcy level matrix permeabilities in granular and crushed rock samples.

Qiming Wang

and 8 more

To improve the understanding of spatial heterogeneity in fine-grained shale, methods of microscale X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) mapping, (ultra-) small-angle x-ray scattering [(U)SAXS] and wide-angle X-ray scattering were used to determine elemental and pore structure variations in sizes up to ~10 cm on two samples prepared at circular (8 cm×8 cm×0.8 mm in width×length×thickness) and rectangular (5 cm×8 cm×0.8 mm) orientations from a piece of Eagle Ford Shale outcrop in South Texas. Thin section petrography and field emission-scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), total organic carbon, and pyrolysis were also utilized to investigate the potential spatial heterogeneity of pore types, mineral and organic matter compositions for both samples. Overall, the siliceous-carbonate mineral contents in these carbonate-rich Eagle Ford Shale vary between laminations at mm scales. For the circular sample, porosity and surface area variations range from 0.82 to 3.04% and 1.51 to 14.1 m2/g, respectively. For the rectangular sample, values for porosity and surface area vary from 0.93 to 2.50% and 3.95 to 10.8 m2/g. By analyzing six selected sub-samples on each of two samples with X-ray scattering and XRD techniques, nm-sized pores are mainly interparticle ones in the higher calcite regions, where the porosity is also relatively lower, while the lower calcite regions consist of both interparticle and intraparticle pore types with higher porosity. Finally, the μ-XRF and (U)SAXS are combined to generate porosity distribution maps to provide more insights about its heterogeneity related to the laminations and fractures at our observational scales.

Qinhong Hu

and 8 more

Pore connectivity, a topological characteristic of pore structure, is oftentimes more important than the geometrical aspects in controlling fluid flow and mass transport in porous natural rocks as well as their associated utilities in energy and environmental stewardship. A different extent of pore connectivity can be reflected in the proportion of isolated pore space not connected to the surface of natural rocks. This work presents the multi-approach and multi-scale laboratory studies to investigating the proportion of isolated pore space of, and its resultant anomalous fluid flow and radionuclide movement in, generic geological barrier materials (clay sediment, crystalline rock, salt rock, shale, tuff). The samples include clay sediments of Wakkanai formation at Horonobe underground research center in Hokkaido of Japan, Opalinus clay of Mt. Terri Underground Research Laboratory as well as granodiorite from the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland, salt rock from Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico, various shales (Barnett, Eagle Ford and Wolfcamp from Texas), and welded tuff in Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Working with sample sizes from <75 μm to several centimeters, the experimental approaches include the independent quantification of both (1) surface-accessible pore space with various probing fluids (e.g., helium in expansion, water in vacuum saturation and nuclear magnetic resonance, mercury in intrusion porosimetry, nitrogen in gas physisorption, and Wood’s metal in high-pressure impregnation and micron-scale tracer mapping using laser ablation-ICP-MS); and (2) total (both connected and isolated) porosity by small angle X-ray scattering. In summary, our evolving complementary approaches provide a rich toolbox for tackling the pore structure characteristics in geological barrier materials, and associated fluid flow & radionuclide transport, implicated in their long-term performance in natural and engineered systems of a nuclear waste repository.