Multi-pulse corona discharges in thunderclouds observed in optical and
radio bands
How lightning initiates inside thunderclouds remains a major puzzle of
atmospheric electricity. By monitoring optical emissions from
thunderstorms, the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) onboard
the International Space Station is providing new clues about lightning
initiation by detecting Blue LUminous Events (BLUEs), which are
manifestations of an enigmatic type of electrical discharge that
sometimes precedes lightning and is named “fast breakdown”. Here we
combine optical and radio observations from a thunderstorm near Malaysia
to uncover a new type of event containing multiple optical and radio
pulses. We find that the first optical pulse coincides with a strong
radio signal in the form of a Narrow Bipolar Event (NBE) but subsequent
optical pulses, delayed some milliseconds, have weaker radio signals,
possibly because they emanate from a horizontally oriented fast
breakdown which does not trigger full-fledged lightning. Our results
cast light on the differences between isolated and lightning-initiating
fast breakdown.