Jon Vandegriff

and 12 more

The ability to access time series data with one API would significantly enhance science data interoperability. The Heliophysics Application Programmers Interface (HAPI) is a simple, standardized mechanism for exposing time series data through a service. HAPI is being adopted by data centers within the Planetary and Heliophysics communities, especially for plasma, particle and field datasets. At the recent COSPAR meeting, the Panel on Space Weather passed a resolution encouraging data providers to have at minimum a HAPI server to deliver time series data. The COSPAR is now considering the resolution for full organizational endorsement. HAPI standardizes the two key parts of a data service: the request interface and the result format. The request interface is very simple and captures the common features of many existing data access services. For result formats, the HAPI specification allows several options, all of them streaming. Servers must provide a Comma Separated Value (CSV) result format, but may optionally provide a JSON or binary stream as well. The details of the request and result formats are described in the current version of the specification document, which is available at GitHub: Several institutions have recently added HAPI-compliant access. These include the large Heliophysics archive at Goddard’s Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb), as well as the Planetary Plasma Interactions node of the Planetary Data System, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at CU Boulder, the University of Iowa, George Mason University, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. Multiple client options are available for accessing HAPI data from the growing number of servers. Autoplot (Faden, et al, 2010) and SPEDAS ( both read HAPI data, and other clients (Java, Python, Matlab, IDL) can be downloaded from the HAPI Github project. The ease with which various providers have adapted existing servers to create a HAPI-compliant capability shows that it does capture a useful way to represent time series data. Because clients for reading HAPI data are also easy to create, we anticipate significant growth and interest in this emerging standard. Faden, et al, Earth Sci Inform (2010) 3:41–49, DOI 10.1007/s12145-010-0049-0